Was just watching CholusatSur and got a chuckle when Esdras Amado (anchor) said Micheletti had been "deslenguado" when he accused the Resistance, Radio Globo, CholusatSur, El Libertador and others as being responsible for the death of the journalist's daughter.
"Deslenguado" is Honduran slang for the tongue being disconnected from the brain ... :rofl:
In other news:
-- Miami-based America's Watch has nominated goriletti for the Nobel Peace Prize. That would put goriletti in the same league with Mandela, Mother Teresa, and, oh yeah, the community organizer from Chicago. :rofl:
-- The golpista police promoted 135 officers in a ceremony in which Christmas presents were handed out: Brand new 9mm Prieto Beretta pistols :rofl:

José Alfredo Saavedra, president of the National Congress, gets his new toy as goriletti beams in background.

Jorge Alberto Rivera Avilez, president of the golpista Supreme Court, was another lucky one.
-- Goriletti also got his pistol, but could not find that photo. Guess it would have been to much to see him getting a modern pistol, considering that a golpista decree prohibited Hondurans from carrying firearms just before the elections. :rofl:
-- Llorens went to visit gorilobo today. There seems to be growing pressure on Lobo to get Micheletti to resign cuz it would be a huge embarrassment to receive the presidential sash from a golpista, de facto leader.