They aren't content to decapitate leftists. They now have to deny BOOKS to those who want to learn, understand the world, get new ideas!
Our tax dollars at work! Multi-millions of them never stopped flowing to the Honduran junta, but now are flooding in, now that the junta held an 'election' under martial law and 'elected' a rightwing government. And what are they doing with all the money and power that Obama & co. have showered on them? Paying death squads to behead pro-democracy activists and banning books...
--books with "communist content," according to the Head Cultural Nazi of the Junta, books in the libraries that "provoke people to socialism."
The reason this hurts so bad is that is that it is an attack on the young and on the future. If they can't cut off all their heads, because Chiquita needs slave labor, they can cut off their heads in effect, by de-funding schools, by cutting teachers' salaries, by poor childhood nutrition--all of which Mel Zelaya had addressed with progressive policies--and now by banning books, by shuttering ideas, by enforced ignorance.
All by bleeding us, my fellow and sister citizens of the USA, by robbing us of multi-millions of our tax dollars and stuffing them into the pockets of the rich fascists in Honduras and a number of other countries with brutal, fascist governments, including Colombia ($6 BILLION in US military aid alone).
It is appalling. And all I can say is: THROW THE 'TRADE SECRET' VOTING MACHINES INTO 'BOSTON HARBOR' NOW! Cuz that is the heart of the problem, in my opinion. It is both how monsters like Bush & Cheney could be kept in office, how Congress is infested with Pukes and "Blue Dogs," and how progressive and anti-war candidates are eliminated in the primaries, and a progressive, anti-war mandate, such as Obama's, can be significantly shaved, how his hands are tied by our corporate rulers and war profiteers, and how it will never be possible again to elect a truly progressive president, such as FDR, to implement real reform.
The "New Deal" was the last--and one of the few--times that the US has had a decent, respectful, progressive policy in Latin America. We will never see that again--or any real reform here--until we rid ourselves of these 'TRADE SECRET' machines, whose code is owned and controlled by a handful of far rightwing corporations. It is not the only problem with our election system. But it the one that makes change impossible.