exhaustive, this still smells like a covert ops sting--the likely culprit (if true), the CIA. I have NO evidence to base this on, and I am NOT familiar with the evidence assembled by the UN commission. I am just speculating. But there ARE some peripheral facts and events that make me suspicious.
1. The obvious CIA covert op out of Miami--this character, "Guido," trying to get a suitcase jammed with bricks of U.S. dollars ($700,00) through customs in the airport in Buenos Aires, getting caught, flying back home to Miami and then claiming that the money was from Hugo Chavez in Venezuela to Cristina Fernandez in Argentina, to aid her campaign for president; "Guido" becoming the "witness" in an absurd DOJ/US attorney case against some other businessmen (charged with "failing to report to Albert 'torture memo' Gonzales" as "agents of a foreign government" (Venezuela)). The Miami Hairball made hairball headlines out of this case for months. Oh, the corrupt leftists in Latin America!
2. The rightwing military coup in Honduras. One of the coup generals said that, by their coup, they were "preventing communism from Venezuela reaching the United States." Looking at a map, we see leftist governments covering almost all of South America (Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile) , and about half of Central America--the latter having been recently elected in Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, and, until the coup, in Honduras. Universal health care, free education through college, rejection of U.S. dictation, assertion of real democracy and sovereignty are creeping up from the "Southern Cone" through Central America almost to our border, to slay the dragon of U.S.-enforced Corporate Rule. Soon we will have Venezuelan "commies" under all our beds! Strategically, likely the Pentagon is thinking "circle the wagons" in the northern South America/Central America/Caribbean region, using the Pentagon's client state, Colombia, to net in Venezuela's north coast oil region. The CIA likely has all kinds of psyops and covert ops aimed at toppling these newer leftist governments in Central America (using the now fascist-run "lily pad" of Honduras--as they did during the Reagan horrors), and putting together a fascist secessionist group in northern Venezuela to declare their "independence" and "invite" the U.S./Colombia militaries into northern Venezuela, to "support" their "freedom fight"--or some such scenario. The US military is already harassing this area of Venezuela (where all their main oil reserves and faciliteis are located) with illegal overflights.
So, was Guatemala to be the next "domino"? They toppled democracy in neighboring Honduras, and installed a brutal rightwing coup. Was the method in Guatemala to be slander (as they have used on the leftist leaders in Argentina, Venezuela, Ecuador and others)? And was the goal to "prevent communism from Venezuela reaching the United States," i.e., part of an overall military plan to re-assert U.S. domination of at least this "circle the wagons" region of Latin America, on our "doorstep"?
4. The murder of David Kelly, British UN weapons inspector, BBC whistleblower on the Iraq War (four days after Valerie Plame was outed by the Bushwhacks). I have read the facts of that case, in all their detail, and I am 99% certain it was murder made to look like suicide, and so do a lot of other people, including many forensics experts in England and members of Parliament (who are still trying to get a proper inquest).
I am sure that it has struck others that this explanation of Rodrigo Rosenberg's death strains credulity. Is it possible that he arranged his own murder? Well, yes. Anything is possible. Is there evidence that he did? Clearly--according to the UN commission (and I have no reason to disbelieve them). But, as we all know, there are very sophisticated techniques and very skilled people available for making murder look like suicide and for creating all sorts of psyops illusions, to promote war, to protect war and corporate criminals and so on. This looks to me like a candidate for such an operation--designed to discredit the newly elected leftist president of Guatemala (force him to resign or whatever) in the U.S. effort to "circle the wagons" in Central America with a blockade of rightwing-controlled countries who will cooperate with U.S. military action against Venezuela, and support U.S. "free trade for the rich," the U.S. 'war on drugs,' World Bank/IMF looting, and all the things that Chavez and the other Bolivarian countries have challenged, and that Central America was beginning to challenge (for instance, through the ALBA trade group).
The CIA seems to have lost some of its former skill under Bushwhack rule. This plot fell apart (as to toppling the leftist president of Guatemala). Their Miami caper was ludicrously transparent. They couldn't pull off coups in Venezuela (2002) and Bolivia (2008). They couldn't get rid of Rafael Correa in Ecuador with that "miracle laptop" business (wild allegations that Correa and Chavez were helping the FARC guerillas to obtain a "dirty bomb"). Are they losing their "touch," or is democracy in Latin America just catching up with U.S. bad intentions in the region, and nobody believes their bullshit any more?
In any case, this one smells, and I hope that people who are in a position to do so, investigate it further.