Uribe's decision to bribe the Senate and get them to change the constitution, and re-elect him, even though the bribery part sent the witness to prison after the testimony, followed by his wish to run for a THIRD time is making it hard for them to keep hammering away at Chavez publicly for running for multiple re-elections, and it causes them to logically lose their internet war against him waged in discussion groups and in their bogus "news" reports. (No doubt they despise good students of history who point out our own founding fathers believed a fixed term limit wasn't democratic, and that Franklin D. Roosevelt died during his FOURTH elected term and then our own rabid right-wingers tried to prevent this from ever happening again (a beloved populist staying in office through democratic support) and forced the Presidential term limits on us here.)
It's important to them that nothing deflects the constant stream of venom, public character assination they pursue as part of their propaganda program attempt to hack away at Chavez support base. As long as Uribe keeps running *(always supported at ground level by the paramilitaries, even pursuing Colombians into the voting booth, terrorizing them even as they try to vote) and winning, it will be hard to batter Chavez with the old "President for life" bogus charges.
~~~~~~~~~* COLOMBIA: "Mark Him on the Ballot - The One Wearing Glasses"
By Constanza Vieira
Credit:Procuraduría General
BOGOTA, May 8 , 2008 (IPS) - "With Uribe, we thought: this is the guy who is going to change the country," the 41-year-old fisherwoman told IPS.
That is why her fishing and farming village of 800 people in the central Colombian region of Magdalena Medio decided overwhelmingly to vote for current President Álvaro Uribe in the 2002 presidential elections, when he first ran.
The woman agreed to talk to IPS on the condition that she be asked neither her name (we will call her "L.") nor the name of her village.
The main city in the fertile region of Magdalena Medio is Barrancabermeja, an oil port on the Magdalena River, which runs across Colombia from south to north before emptying into the Caribbean Sea.
What convinced the villagers to vote for Uribe? "Because the region where we live is poor, very poor, it’s so difficult to find work, and when I heard him say ‘I am going to work for the poor, I am going to help them,’ I thought ‘this is a good president’."
When the rightwing president’s first four-year term came to an end in 2006, most of the villagers decided again to vote for him, reasoning that he just needed more time to reduce poverty.
The odd thing was that in both the 2002 and 2006 elections, despite the fact that the villagers had already decided to vote for Uribe, the far-right paramilitaries, who had committed a number of murders since 1998, when they appeared in the region that was previously dominated by the leftwing guerrillas, pressured the local residents to vote for Uribe anyway.
The paramilitaries did not kill people to pressure the rest to vote for Uribe, as they did in other communities, but merely used "threats," said L.
"If you don't vote for Uribe, you know what the consequences will be," the villagers were told ominously.
And on election day, they breathed down voters’ necks: "This is the candidate you’re going to vote for. You’re going to put your mark by this one. The one wearing glasses," they would say, pointing to Uribe’s photo on the ballot, L. recalled.
"One (of the paramilitaries) was on the precinct board, another one was standing next to the table, and another was a little way off, all of them watching to see if you voted for Uribe," she added, referring to the less than subtle way that the death squads commanded by drug traffickers and allies of the army ensured that L.’s village voted en masse for the current president in both elections.
"We form part of a municipality where there is corruption, from the mayor to town councillors, the police, the army and the justice officials - in a word, everyone. They are just one single corrupt mass. So what are you supposed to do?" said L., who added that the paramilitaries "control everything."
http://ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=42290~~~~~~~~~Undoubtedly the paras will always go with the right-wing candidate.