It is important. Were the US military bases and facilities in Kuwait not important to the invasion of Iraq? Yes, you can bomb a country back to the "Stone Age" from a distance, but that is not usually the object. Also, after they bombed Baghdad, ferociously--slaughtering one hundred thousand innocent people--they then had to invade and occupy, to protect the oil concessions and dibby them out to western corps, and to keep the population subdued while they did so, and, further, to install a US puppet government for this and future uses.
Do you recall how important it was, at one point, in the buildup to the invasion of Iraq, that Turkey denied access to the Iraqi northern border and to Turkish airspace? If the Pentagon had had a military base in Turkey, that problem would have gone away. That is why the Pentagon is ever seeking to place US military bases on foreign soil--as proximate bases of operation for various contingencies including war.
The object in the case of Venezuela would be similar. They certainly don't want to "annihilate" the oil infrastructure in the Gulf of Venezuela and nearby regions. They might "annihilate" Caracas (also on the oil coast--the Caribbean), to destroy the seat of democratic government. Their goal would be to install a puppet government that would give some PR veneer to the oil reserves and facilities being handed to Exxon Mobil--so the profits won't be used to educate Venezuelans, provide health care, diversify the economy and create a strong, progressive, middle class country. Our corps want slaves--a big pool, of illiterate or poorly educated, desperate workers--as in Honduras and Haiti. And they want "free trade for the rich" access to resources such as oil, to take all the profits, and, in the case of oil, to fuel our great war machine. Our corpos and war profiteers want the oil actually very badly--since Iran was denied to them--and they would think nothing of doing to Caracas what they did to Baghdad, but they then have to "hold" Venezuela and for that, they need at least one nearby client state--and Colombia fills the bill perfectly; it's run by vicious fascists and narco-thugs; its military is dependent of US largesse; and it's adjacent to Venezuela.
Brazil would likely deny the US military access to Venezuela's border and its airspace for an attack on Venezuela. Colombia would not. In fact, Colombia is doing the opposite--inviting the US military in, in a big way, ahead of time.
Adjacent corpo-fascist allies (US client states) are very important, strategically--allies who will invite the US military in, and provide a "lily pad" for launching various kinds of attacks on target countries. This is exactly how Honduras was used during the Reagan reign of horrors in Central America. It was the "lily pad" country--and was described as such by the US--for assembling and sending the 'contra' death squads into Nicaragua. The US military did not invade the country (Nicaragua), in that case. The death squads and the CIA and other US efforts did the "trick"--toppled the elected government. But the US military's presence in Honduras, its training of the death squads and of the Honduran military, were essential to that goal. They needed a "lily pad." They now have the same "lily pad"--Honduras--with which to attack--probably by undermining and toppling, and with the use of death squads--all of Venezuela's allies in Central America: Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala (all now with leftist governments) and others. President Mel Zelaya in Honduras proposed converting the US military base at Soto Cano, Honduras, to a commercial airport. That was the first and most important reason that he was toppled by a violent rightwing military coup, and flown out of the country at gunpoint by the US-trained Honduran military with a big assist from the US military at Soto Cano.
They need "lily pads" even moreso for an invasion and war. They can't just bomb. What is the point of that? They have to bomb and invade. To invade they need bases of operation--places to muster forces--prior to securing "forward operating bases" (and airports and harbors) in the country they intend to invade, subdue and control. Without them, they are dependent on air carriers for troops, weapons and equipment such as tanks, or on sea access and big ships. It is generally much more efficient to be on the ground, next door, than to have to transport all this some other way.
In fact, that is exactly how a USAF document described the militarization of Colombia--as a base from which to conduct "full spectrum military operations" throughout the "Southern Command" (Central and South America) including "anti-US countries." (--a doc uncovered by Eva Golinger.)
With this in mind, look at the entire picture of Pentagon assets being put in place, secured or beefed up in Latin America. They form a ring around Venezuela's main oil reserves, facilities and shipping, in the Gulf of Venezuela and in the northern provinces adjacent to Colombia. They include the recently reconstituted US 4th Fleet in the Caribbean, the US military base and port facilities in Honduras, the US military bases on the Dutch islands off Venezuela's oil coast, the US bases in Panama (adj. to Colombia) and the SEVEN new US bases in Colombia (which has a long border along Venezuela's northern oil region). The US/Colombia military agreement includes a current contingent of about 1,500 US troops and 'contractors" (--"just a few hundred military advisors"--a phrase I recall from the early US military buildup in Vietnam), complete diplomatic immunity for US soldiers and US 'contractors,' US military use of seven military bases, and US access to ALL civilian airports and other facilities in Colombia. Further, Colombia recently announced that they are building a new military base on the tip of Guajira peninsula overlooking the Gulf of Venezuela, within 20 miles of the Venezuelan border--a serious provocation to Venezuela--and a base that could be used in the blockade of the Gulf of Venezuela.
Just to give you an example of the use of such war assets--i.e., US military bases on foreign soil and compliant governments: Currently, the Pentagon is using the Dutch islands (Aruba and Curacao) off the Venezuelan coast for illegal spy flights over Venezuelan territory. Proximity saves fuel, among other things. (And our oil corps don't give the US military--or those of us paying for it--any break on fuel; they charge the max and sometimes more.) The bases in Panama would likely be used to net in northern Ecuador, adjacent to Colombia to the south, in a move against Venezuela. Ecuador's northern region is also oil-rich, Ecuador also has a leftist government, and it is a strong ally of Venezuela. Further, the Pentagon has reason to hate Ecuador's leftist government, which threw the US military out of Ecuador this year.
Yet more US military assets would certainly be desireable, if they are going to carry out some plan of aggression against Venezuela. Haiti is only 100 miles off the coast of Cuba. Cuba is a Venezuelan ally. They would like to have more military facilities in proximity to Cuba. They also want to entirely break up the ALBA alliance--a trade alliance established by Venezuela and Cuba and that includes Nicaragua and a number of other small countries and islands, as well as Ecuador--just out of perversity, to deny these small countries any collective economic clout, but also to prevent any cooperation against a US military move against Venezuela.
They have much reason to want to surround Cuba. A base in Haiti furthers that purpose. And I have no doubt at all that this is why they landed so many US troops in Haiti, while delaying the arrival of critically needed medical and other supplies--an action for which the US was criticized by France, Brazil, Venezuela, Doctors Without Borders, the UN Food Program and other aid organizations. I don't believe that that was any snafu--such as occasionally happens in big disasters. I think it was quite deliberate. The US intends to occupy Haiti permanently, using this disaster as the excuse, probably to create a spy base but certainly to prevent the return of Haiti's only legitimate president and restoration of Haiti's democracy. President Aristide (kidnapped and removed from Haiti by force, by the Bushwhacks in 2004) is a leftist and an ally of Venezuela. The US has many corporate/"free trade" and military/strategic reasons for occupying Haiti.
I was a young person, just becoming politically conscious, in the early 1960s, and was a college student during the first half the Vietnam War. I had just become of age to vote in 1964. I voted for the "peace candidate"--LBJ. And what I got for that vote was 2 million Southeast Asians and over 55,000 US soldiers dead. While LBJ was advertising himself as "the peace candidate," he was secretly arranging for the phony "Gulf on Tonkin" incident and a massive US military buildup in Vietnam. He was speaking peace while intending war--one of the most senseless and bloody slaughters our country has ever perpetrated.
So, maybe I'm overly-sensitive on the issue of sneaky US military buildups. On the other hand, maybe I'm old enough, experienced enough and wise enough to recognize one when I see one. This smells like Vietnam to me. "Just a few military advisors"...seven US military bases, access to all civilian airports, a new base positioned for a naval blockade, a rightwing US puppet government, the target country's capitol and main resource ringed by US military assets...
You tell me what all this is FOR. The 'war on drugs'? Don't make me laugh.