Golpista Supreme Court president Rivera Avilez, center, with two attorneys who defended the golpista milicos.
No surprise here. It was all a show.
Golpista president of the Supreme Court Jorge Rivera Avilez today ruled there was no "proof of any crime" in the gunpoint expulsion of Z. to Costa Rica on June 28. He ordered the "definite dismissal" of the charges filed couple weeks ago by the also-golpista Attorney General.
Rivera Avilez said the generals were justified in Z's "transfer" out of the country because of the then "grave danger to the country and the lives of Hondurans and foreign residents."
Defense attorneys for the golpista milicos also denied that Z had been taken out of the country in his pyjamas ...
From golpista La Prensa of San Pedro Sula
http://www.laprensa.hn/Apertura/Ediciones/2010/01/26/Noticias/Dictan-sobreseimiento-a-favor-de-cupula-militar -----------------------------
This ruling came one day before Lobo takes office tomorrow. Z is scheduled to leave the Brazilian Embassy tomorrow and will be flown with his family to Santo Domingo, escorted by Dominican president Fernandez.
Golpista police and miiitary are imposing extreme security meansures for the inauguration tomorrow. It will take place in the national soccer stadium in Teguz. Streets for blocks around the stadium will be blocked. The Resistance will not be allowed anywhere near, but there may be a demonstration in downtown Teguz. Do not know whether Resistance got the necessary permit for the demo.
U.S. delegation will be led by Arturo Valenzuela, who was not sent to Evo's inauguration last week but who will be beaming at Lobo's shindig tomorrow. Too bad, expected more of Valenzuela.