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As Expected: Santos to Run for Presidency of Colombia

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-01-10 01:33 AM
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As Expected: Santos to Run for Presidency of Colombia
Saturday, February 27, 2010
As Expected: Santos to Run for Presidency of Colombia
By Steven L. Taylor

Now that Álvaro Uribe’s (presumed) dream of a third term are officially dead, former Defense Minister2 Juan Manuel Santos is going to jump into the electoral fray. This is a wholly expected outcome.

El Tiempo reports: Santos aspira a ser el candidato presidencial de la coalición uribista y a ganar en primera vuelta (Santos Aspires to be Presidential Candidate of the Uribe Coalition and to Win in the First Round).

Santos is hoping for a coalition of la U,3 portions of the Conservatives,4 portions of Radical Change,5 and other uribista parties.

It is unclear to me if he will run as the official candidate of la U or as an independent affiliation with la U and other parties (which was the Uribe way). The proof will be in how he inscribes he candidacy and how it appears on the ballot.

At the moment, I would predict that Santos will win in May, but that he will have to take it to the second round, but it is early-ish in the campaign cycle, since not all the candidates have been selected.6 One very interesting issue will be to see if all of the current candidates remain in the race (which, actually, I expect them to do). It seems that while an Uribe candidacy might have led to a winnowing of the field, the fact that the seat is now open will encourage the various parties to keep their candidates in the field.
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rabs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-01-10 05:54 PM
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1. I still have doubts about Santos

1. He first has to be nominated by the uribista coalition of the U. Even if he becomes the U's candidate, there is certain to be a second round after the May 30 presidential election. The party of the U (Partido Social de Unidad Nacional) was formed last year by the cream of the uribista movement to thrust him into a third term. Well, they failed last Friday.

2. Santos and Uribe last week pissed each other off. Santos on Wednesday (two days before the ruling) said the Constitutional Court was going to turn down Uribe's bid for a referendum. Santos was highly irritated that he was not able to campaign because Uribe was playing it coy about whether he would run or not, right up to Friday's court ruling. Candidates have to be selected by March 14, so Santos has only two weeks to campaign.

It has long been known that Andrés Felipe Arias is the favorite of Uribe to take his place. He is called "Uribito" (Little Uribe) in Colombian political circles. Arias is a former agriculture minister in the Uribe government and in his physical appearance, he even resembles Uribe.

3. Santos' remark ticked off Uribe, so on Thursday, one day before the court ruling, Uribe gave the "guiño," (wink) to Arias, also a potential candidate of the U. On a radio show, Uribe said Arias was "an improved copy of me." That had to be a bucket of ice water on Santos, who was expecting Uribe to back him.

4. But Arias is already smeared because a Semana columnist published documents a couple of weeks ago that Arias had received substantial political contributions from Agro-millionaires who in turn had gotten millions of dollars from the Uribe government. That story was broken by Cambio magazine, which was shut down about three weeks ago by the Santos family, owners of El Tiempo, which of course is touting the candidacy of JM Santos.

5. But even were Santos to win the primary and go into a second round runoff, there is no guarantee that he would win the presidential vote because many Colombians consider him an extension of Uribe's corrupt and murderous policies which led to the news today that Obama has rejected any FTA with Colombia until human rights are respected.

6. Finally -- into the Twilight Zone of Colombian politics -- chat rooms last week were abuzz that Uribe still COULD be the candidate again despite the court ruling. The scenario: Santos or Arias win the candidacy.

7. If it is Santos, he could be "disappeared;" a national emergency could be declared, the election could be canceled and Uribe stays as president. (Which made me wonder why CIA director Leon Panetta visited Uribe for one hour in the presidential palace on Thursday, one day before the court ruling???)

8. Scenario 2: Arias wins the candidacy. But there is an article in the constitution that says a candidate (Little Uribito) can resign and another one (Uribe) can take his place.

9. There are several other candidates from a slew of parties, but best to wait until March 14 before listing them.

10. One of the more interesting of that bunch is Noemí Sanín, who has been rising steadily in the polls. She was Uribe's ambassador in London until last year when she resigned to run for the presidency from the Conservative Party (opposed to Uribe). A woman president for Colombia? Why not?

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-01-10 06:19 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Wonderful post. The best. 1st look at Arias reminded me immediately of Uribe,
before seeing your comments.

Looks as if he might be eating rubber cement! That would have to be an acquired taste.

The aspects of this situation are intriguing, to put it mildly.

You'd get the idea Uribe was driving Santos crazy by keeping him from campaigning this long. It's funny.

The visit from Penetta seemed bizarre, all things considered, since Uribe is allegedly headed OUT of office.

It's good to know there's a woman in the race, even though she's conservative. Hope she wouldn't simply be a figurehead with the same people running things, just as before.

Thanks for fleshing out this campaign for us. There's a whole lot going on there. :hi:
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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-01-10 08:41 PM
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3. I have to post this image of the secret laptop I just found before I burst.
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rabs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-01-10 10:44 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. Is this a photoshop job or a real artistic work somewhere?

Either way, it is hilarious. :rofl:
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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-02-10 12:27 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. I went back to check, it looks like a real 3 dimensional creation.
The caption says:
A man looks at a huge fake computer with an image of Colombian President Alvaro Uribe (R) in Caracas May 15, 2008. REUTERS/Edwin Montilva (VENEZUELA)
It's from Justin Delacour's blog:

What a great idea: a monument to what everyone started thinking long ago.
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