I wonder why a politician would put his country into debt in order to transfer money to an off budget spending vehicle with opaque bookkeeping. Hmm, must be for the people.
http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20100302-708042.html?mod=WSJ_latestheadlinesCARACAS (Dow Jones)--The Venezuelan central bank completed its second transfer this year to the Fonden development fund, an off-budget spending vehicle favored by President Hugo Chavez, from its international reserves.
The central bank paid the Fonden $1.5 billion this week, according to data for the central bank's international reserves which now stand at $30.6 billion, the lowest level since August 2009.
The central bank has transferred so far this year $4.5 billion to the Fonden, part of the $7 billion it has to hand over in 2010 from its reserves.
The transfers to the Fonden, along with possible dollar-denominated bond issues this year could turn Venezuela into a net sovereign external debtor as early as 2010, Fitch Ratings said in a press release on Feb. 8.
The Fonden, which has notoriously opaque bookkeeping, received $12 billion last year from the central bank.
Under laws passed on Chavez's demands, every year the central bank hands over part of its international reserves beyond a predetermined "optimum level." It also receives financing from the state oil company Petroleos de Venezuela SA, or PDVSA.
The Fonden's spending project range from major infrastructure ventures to social programs.