Bill's wife arrives in Santiago on Tuesday. She told Bachelet the United States would be sending aid by and by in addition to the 25 satellite phones Hil delivered today.

Death toll today was at 795.

Army put a quick stop to "looting" in Concepcion. The mainstream English-language media (including scumbag rick sanchez of CNN) has been making a big deal of looting, while in reality people were searching mostly for food, milk and diapers for infants and potable water. Night curfew still in effect in hard-hit cities of Constitucion, Concepcion and Talca.

Rescue workers recover a body on Tuesday. A strong aftershock forced a halt to the searches.

Supermarkets reopened in Santiago where the situation is reported calm. The subway is running, water is being restored where it was cut, electricity and telephone service has been restored. No looting reported in Santago according to police.
Peru's Alan Garcia arrived in Santiago today with a field hospital and medical supplies.