I figure you won't get this info from our corpo-fascist press, so here is Venezuelan vice president Elias Jaua's report to the National Assembly on the government's achievements and projects during the previous year...
Venezuelan Government Reviews 2009 Projects and AchievementsPublished on February 27th 2010, by Tamara Pearson - Venezuelanalysis.com
Some notable items...
--increased social investment by 5.29%
despite a budget reduction in light of the global financial crisis and a decrease in the price of oil.
--949 medical works, including hospitals, blood banks, emergency areas, surgery, hemodialysis.
--44 new schools and 86 preschool rooms, renovated 364 buildings and provided maintenance to 2,872 schools.
--30% increase in education workers' wages.
--four new universities completed, 27 buildings added to current universities and colleges and 103 modules of integral community medicine set up.
--116,000 new students joined the university education system.
--18 million books and magazines distributed for free.
--22 agro-industrial plants, and 800 food processing and distribution centres, inaugurated.
--450 million plates of food were provided for free to 900,000 Venezuelans.
--increased national production of gold by 12%; discovered coltan reserves, valued at $100 billion. (Coltan is a mineral is used for conducting electricity).
--set up 2,319 satellite points in remote and hard to access areas for communications purposes.
--137,000 people trained in the national plan of technology literacy.
--273,000 people added to the total of 997,000 with home access to broadband internet.
--$697 million to the public sector for agricultural projects; imported 1,500 tractors and
assembled 1,300 in the country, and obtained 500 harvestors.
Gee, while the U.S. government and states and city governments cut, cut, CUT social services--cruel cuts like elder home care and dentistry at free/low cost clinics for the poor, with some clinics closely altogether; deeply wounding cuts in education--i.e., canceling the future--and the deaths of a thousand cuts and fees to pensioners, the sick, the jobless, the underpaid, families, the middle class, the underclass, and more, much more--in order to have plenty of money for billion dollar bankster bailouts and healthcare for congresspersons, and wars, the Chavez government--despite the Bushwhack Financial 9/11 of Sept 2008 and the Bushwhack worldwide depression, and the steep drop in oil prices 2008-2009--kept its priorities straight and INCREASED social spending by 5.29%!