(Was watching the Chilean Telethon for earthquake victims and went over to El Tiempo to see what was up in Colombia. My jaw dropped when saw this.)

AFP photo
El Tiempo newspaper of Bogota reporting today (Saturday's edition) that the nation's Constitutional Court will review the pact and that it is NOT finalized. ("no está cerrado" which = "is not closed."
Article's main points:
-- The court on Dec. 10 agreed to review a "demanda" filed by a man named Luis Alfredo Sanchez Rojas, in which he argued that the accord was illegal because the national Congress had not approved a law permitting the pact. That law would have had to be sent to the Constitutional Court for its approval. (A "demanda" in Colombia is a formal accusation of wrongdoing before a court of law.)
-- Possibilities before the court range from leaving the pact as is, overturn the accord, or suspend its application until Congress passes the required law.
-- U.S. use of the bases was to have commenced beginning in May according to Frank O. Mora, DOD under secretary.
-- The court has asked Congress to provide it with a list of the treaties with the United States and invited former presidents Belisario Betancur, Cesar Gaviria, Ernesto Samper and Andres Pastrana to express their opinions on the new accord.
-- The court also convoked the Council of State, which said in Oct. that new elements had been inserted into the original treaty, especially the presence of U.S. troops in Colombian bases and therefore the latest accord was a new treaty that had to be approved by the Congress.
-- The Constitutional Court also has asked the Supreme Court for an opinion.
The Constitutional Court is the one that denied Uribe's bid for a third term just last week so would not be surprised if it went all the way and nullified the pact. Was that why Panetta visited Uribe last week for one hour? Suspect that this news is going to be a Maalox-moment for the Pentagon tomorrow.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
El Tiempo story (Spanish) Do not know if story has gone out in English.