their determination to prevent the people of the U.S. from learning about Cuba's fabulous, universal, FREE medical care system. As with the Honduran coup general who said that, by their coup, they were "preventing communism from Venezuela reaching the United States," the U.S. corporate rulers are determined to prevent ANY good socialist ideas from "reaching the United States," including--in addition to universal, FREE medical care--universal FREE education through college, use of a country's resources to benefit the people who live there, and the universal human rights to food, water, housing, decent wages and benefits, literacy and education, medical care and living in a decent society that cares for all of its members and in which the rich/poor discrepancy does not reach the obscene levels that it has reached in the U.S.
Our Corporate Rulers HATE these ideas, because they limit the obscene profits of the rich and powerful. And as long as they rule here, we will NEVER see a cessation of hostility to the governments of Cuba and Venezuela--and others working on social justice--just as we will NEVER see Medicare for all.
But then, I wouldn't expect someone who makes racist comments--as you have done*--to grasp the most elemental truths about our corporate rulers' hatred of Cuba and all leftist governments. And, isn't it interesting--considering your racist remark against "Indians"--that your health care proposal would be limited to "all legal residents in the USA," so that some poverty-stricken brown "illegal" who falls seriously ill, or is seriously hurt in an accident, or is giving birth, will be charged maximum costs for medical care, or just left to die on the street?
Typical rightwing comment, from a typical racist--not to mention an oil corporation apologist!
*Comment 36, here...