But there's no action. I found government websites where they published photos and described the illegal mining and deforestation problem, some from as far back as 2005. But no action has been taken, so the forest keeps dying, and this reduces the water entering the water reservoir. Today the newspapers report the water level at 13,64 meters as of yesterday, it drops at about 15 cm per day, so today we're at 13,5 meters above collapse. Because the reservoir has somewhat of a conical shape, as the level drops, the amount of water they draw to generate a given amount of electricity makes the level drop faster.
If it doesn't rain, we have 13 weeks left. Some say less, but I hope they do start cutting back by next week, so we can at least get a rational power saving scheme in place. According to some experts, the heavy rain may be delayed until late May. Unless there's action taken now, then it'll be too late because the rain takes time to move from where it falls to the reservoir, so it can be used by the plant.
And yet there's no significant movement to impose a real rationing system in Caracas. They really do need to start closing shopping centers and other sites, say one-two days per week. To make matters even worse, it has been very hot and the city has been very polluted, which means those who have them have been running their air conditioners.
They also need to move to reduce driving, to do this they have to increase gasoline prices. The city's pollution is mostly caused by the huge amount of vehicles sitting in traffic, idling all the time, because traffic grinds to a halt - too many cars and there has been almost no new construction to improve traffic flow.
The price of gasoline in Venezuela is so low, the tip for the attendant who cleans the windshield and checks the oil is higher than the cost to fill up. It's ridiculous. We even have trucks with propaganda signs circulating in the streets, they use gasoline, pollute the air, create more traffic problems, and all so we can see an advertisement for Avatar or imported disposable diapers. This place is crazy.