"Yesterday I testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee and fielded a question from Senator McCain pertaining to the Government of Venezuela (GoV) facilitating contacts between the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the Euskadi Ta Askatasuna or ETA (Basque Homeland and Freedom) during the planning and attempted assassination of Colombian officials, including President Uribe, during their recent visit to Spain.
The Senator also asked about other activities where the GoV was engaged in enabling or supporting terrorist activity in our area of responsibility.
Assistant Secretary of State Arturo Valenzuela was asked a similar question one day earlier during testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Conference on 10 March.
Assistant Secretary Valenzuela and I spoke this morning on the topic of linkages between the government of Venezuela and the FARC. There is zero daylight between our two positions and we are in complete agreement:
There is indeed clear and documented historical and ongoing evidence of the linkages between the Government of Venezuela and the FARC.
We track this and continue to monitor the amount and level of direct support in the form of money, networks, and providing a safe haven for operations and personnel.
In this view and pursuit, we are in direct alignment with our partners at the State Department and the Intelligence Community.
- General Doug Fraser"
http://www.southcom.mil/AppsSC/Blog.php?id=91Whoops! You're busted again.