that is, they are seeing their own possible future fates as the the latest U.S. demons and targets in our corporate rulers' and war profiteers' insatiable greed to steal others' resources, dominate the world and justify humungous military budgets.
Venezuela is an obvious U.S. target--victim of a U.S. supported rightwing military coup attempt, and numerous other rotten U.S. schemes, and the victim of a relentless U.S. instigated psyops/disinformation campaign that the entire corpo-fascist press corps is the scribe for. And Venezuela was the first to identify with Iran, to negotiate agreements with Iran, to invite Iranians diplomats to visit Venezuela, and to stand with Iran as common targets of the U.S. war establishment.
Brazil was a surprise. I didn't think Lula da Silva would go that far in backing up Chavez and defying the U.S.--to invite Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to visit Brazil--but I was glad that he did. I think the U.S. role in the Honduran coup really, really, REALLY pissed Lulu off. It convinced him that there is no hope for peace, respect and cooperation from the U.S., no matter who is president. Chavez said that Obama "is the prisoner of the Pentagon." I think Lulu would now agree. When the Bushwhacks reconstituted the U.S. 4th Fleet in the Caribbean, Lulu said that it was "a threat to Brazil's oil." (Everybody knows that it is a threat to Venezuela's.) He then proposed that South America create a "common defense" in the context of their prototype "common market," UNASUR. He also directly defied the Bush Junta dictate to South American leaders that they "must isolate Chavez," circa 2006. The Bushwhacks were planning a second coup attempt, around the Venezuelan 2006 election. Lulu then deliberately traveled to Venezuela two weeks before that election, in a visible demonstration of his support of Chavez--the occasion being the ribbon-cutting for the new Orinoco Bridge between Venezuela and Brazil. It was very pointed, on Lulu's part. He was having none of the Bushwhacks' goddamned dictates about who Brazil can ally itself with.
But that was then--with the Bush Junta. I do think he was hopeful about Obama and wanted to help issue in a new era in U.S./Latin American relations and got nothing but treachery in return. I think his invitation to Ahmadinejad was his middle finger in the air to Hillary Clinton, on Honduras. Clinton then had the nerve to "warn" Brazil and others of "the consequences" if they allied with Iran. That just added fuel to the fire. How dare she tell a sovereign country what they can do and not do, and treat their leaders like school children with threats of "consequences"? She could not have been more insulting.
And now Uruguay's new president is making the same gesture. Our corpo-fascist press has tried to paint Mujica as not a radical any more. Ha-ha! It makes me laugh how the New York Slimes, et al, try to force the CIA narratives that they copy & paste into their crap rags to BE reality. They think they can shape others like putty into usable U.S. corporate/war profiteer shapes. They have tried to do this by inventing a Lula da Silva who is at odds with Chavez. They've tried to do it with Mujica, fanstasizing that he will be more U.S. corporate friendly than his predecessor. They tried to do it with Morales--doing puff pieces on him, while exorciating Chavez. They think "divide and conquer" will work in Latin America as their rancid narratives have seemed to work here--but have worked only at hypnotizing our rulers with their own ideas. No matter how much they touted the WMDs in Iraq, the American people largely did not believe them. Nearly 60% of the American people opposed the invasion of Iraq (Feb '03, all polls). Things are so rigged here, that they got their war, and they got the U.S. military into the Middle East, despite what they American people wanted. And they think that the same "magic" will work in Latin America--that Latin American leaders will be forced to obey our corporate rulers because their narratives say so.
Hubris! This is what hubris IS--if you never saw it before--being so enamoured of your untoward power--whether of the press or of sending armies to do your bidding--that you can't see reality any more. You begin to expect reality to conform to your schemes of power and greed. And you end up thinking that your self-interested narratives ARE reality.
I am so glad that Mujica has joined Chavez and Lulu in giving the finger to the U.S. on this matter. This bodes well for Latin American unity and plans for a parallel organization to the OAS, excluding the U.S. as a member, and for a Latin American "common market." If they continue on this path, they will leave the U.S. in the dust and it will be Latin America's century. They have the resources, the creative, energized populations eager for change and the real democracies that it takes to effect good change. All they have to do is pull together. This is something that Chavez and his government and the Venezuelan people perceived before anyone else--Simon Bolivar's old dream of a "United States of Latin America"--that their future lay in collective strength, cooperation and "raising all boats"--and it is probably why our corporate rulers hate Venezuela so much. The one thing the rulers of the U.S. don't want--as evidenced by their every action in a continuum from Reagan to Obama--is for Latin Americans to pull together and start acting as an economic/political block in the interests of their own countries and peoples.