They have universal free medical care in Florida? Universal free education through college and post-graduate studies? Full employment? Honest elections? Everybody in Florida have a home, food, a decent life? Anybody in Florida impoverished by banksters, credit card usurers, skyrocketed medical costs, pension looting, getting fired? Any Floridians dead from being sent to war by Exxon Mobil and Chevron? Crippled for life?
Your myopic rightwing view that the U.S. is "the golden land" and Cuba is a gulag is ridiculous. And it is typical of the views you spout here at DU every day. You back Chevron against the 30,000 indigenous people who have sued Chevron for its horrendous oil spill in Ecuador, and make racist comments about "Indians."* You support the corpo-fascist viewpoint on every issue. And like those you get your information from, your opinions are full of black holes where information should be and rife with prejudice of every kind. To you, the Castro government is all bad, with no redeeming features--the truly stupid view that the CIA and the controlled press have been promulgating all these years. To you, the horrible actions of the U.S. government and the Miami mafia to harm Cuba and Cubans--including the bombing of a Cubana airliner killing 73 people, bombings of Cuban hotels, assassination plots against Castro, the cruel U.S. embargo, the attempted U.S. invasion and other dire plots, do not exist. You never question what these actions have done to Cuba.
All of Latin America now recognizes the Cuban government--as does the rest of the world--all except the U.S. which continues to demonize Cuba. Many Latin American countries welcome help from Cuba's superior medical system and from its education/literacy programs. (Cuba has 100% literacy, and one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world!) To you, in your blindness, everything is money, money, money. You ignore quality of life. You ignore the fact that Cubans are entirely free of crippling medical costs and educational debt and corporate looting. You ignore the benefits of a nearly crime-free communal society. You ignore the fact that Cuba is still beautiful, with its natural treasures still in tact, while Miami is a polluted blight on the landscape--a horror of over-development.
There are REASONS why the Cuban government has survived this long and is able to benefit its people and others--why it is recognized throughout the world as legitimate, why its medical and educational and other professionals are welcome almost everywhere, why Latin American students flock to Cuba for training, why governments fly poor people to Cuba for eye operations, and why Cubans--though relatively poor, as to wages or cash--are for the most part content with their government and have not rebelled. (And they are certainly capable of rebellion, as the original Cuban revolution clearly demonstrated.) You ignore all this in favor of black-and-white idiocy and propaganda. You cannot SEE any of these things because you have an AGENDA--dissing Cuba no matter what it does. You have that same agenda about Venezuela and other leftist governments. All bad, nothing good about them--no sense of reality, no understanding of poverty or what it means for a government to serve the poor
majority rather than Exxon Mobil and Chevron. And you have yet to take back your racist comment about "Indians."*
*Comment 36, here: “Indian presenting a complaint?”