A las 7 de la mañana partirá operativo de liberación
La familia del soldado profesional espera que la senadora Piedad Córdoba y su comitiva de Paz, traigan a casa al uniformado antes de que acabe el día.
El dolor y sufrimiento que causa el secuestro a los colombianos puede llegar a su fin este domingo para una de las angustiadas familias. Todo indica que el cautiverio en el cual mantienen las Farc a un compatriota terminará.
La esperanza que vive este domingo la familia de Josué Daniel Calvo es inmensa, pues a las 7 de la mañana parte una misión humanitaria que espera regresar a la libertad al soldado profesional Josué Daniel Calvo.
Esta familia, que desde el 20 de abril de 2009 está sufriendo por el secuestro, aguarda con una gran ilusión el retorno a casa de Calvo. Si todo sale según lo pronosticado, él regresará al seno del hogar antes de acabar el día.
Para esa fecha, en combates con las Farc en Vistahermosa (Meta), el uniformado dejó de compartir con los suyos debido al cautiverio al cual fue sometido, pero al parecer, todo volverá a la normalidad.
http://www.elespectador.com/noticias/paz/articulo195474-7-de-manana-partira-operativo-de-liberacion~~~~~79 secuestrados en Colombia’
Un informe que presentó el Gobierno sorprendió al país, pues en el 2007 las cifras oficiales señalaban que en Colombia existían 2 800 casos de secuestro.
Santiago Zeas
Corresponsal en Bogotá
A raíz del proceso de liberación de los soldados Pablo Emilio Moncayo y Josué Daniel Calvo, en Colombia surgió una pregunta que aún carece de una respuesta precisa y creíble ¿Cuál es el número de secuestrados que todavía hay en este país andino?
En la semana que termina, el gobierno del presidente Álvaro Uribe presentó un informe, en el cual sostiene que solo quedan 79 personas secuestradas por grupos armados irregulares.
La cifra sorprendió al país, pues implica una reducción de más del 97% de los plagiados, en comparación con las estadísticas del 2007. Para ese año, las cifras oficiales señalaban que en Colombia existían 2 800 casos de secuestro.
gún el informe del Fondelibertad, una institución adscrita al Ministerio de Defensa de Colombia, de esos 2 800 plagiados
1 148 recobraron la libertad, 744 se encuentran en desaparición forzada (no se conoce su paradero), 211 murieron y 614 casos están por definirse.
Incluso, en ese grupo de 79 plagiados figuran el cabo Moncayo y el soldado Calvo, por lo que a partir de su liberación la cifra oficial quedaría en 77.
http://www.elcomercio.com/noticiaEC.asp?id_noticia=342756&id_seccion=5Google translation:
'79 Kidnapped in Colombia '
A report submitted by the Government surprised the country in 2007 as official figures indicated that in Colombia there were 2 800 cases of kidnapping.
Santiago Zeas
Correspondent in Bogota
Following the process of releasing the soldiers Pablo Emilio Moncayo and Joshua Daniel Calvo, a question arose in Colombia still lacks an accurate and credible answer What is the number of abductees who are still in this Andean country?
In the week ends, the government of President Álvaro Uribe issued a report, which argues that there are only 79 people abducted by irregular armed groups.
The figure stunned the country, it implies a reduction of over 97% of the hostages, compared with 2007 statistics. For that year, official figures indicated that in Colombia there were 2 800 cases of kidnapping.
Fondelibertad gun's report, an institution under the Ministry of Defense of Colombia, one of those 2 800 hostages
1 148 were freed, 744 are in forced disappearance (not known his whereabouts), 211 died and 614 cases to be defined.
Even in this group of 79 hostages include Moncayo and the soldier out Calvo, so their release from the official figure would be at 77.
However, the drastic drop in the number of hostages illegal and insurgent groups that have official figures raised suspicions and questions of institutions and foundations who study the phenomenon of kidnapping in Colombia.
The main criticisms are that do not know the exact mechanisms and methodologies that the Colombian government used for the purification of their databases.
While Fondelibertad says the study was based on a thorough cross databases of key public entities, their reliability is questionable.
The organization Pais Libre, which works with the families of abductees, said that official figures simply do not square with reality. His position is based on figures they manage.
Only this group is currently treating 137 cases involved in kidnapping. Jerónimo Castillo, who participates in investigations of this institution, argues that this figure corresponds to about 10% of the total national hostages. Therefore, the Free Country estimated that no less than 1 370 people were being held in Colombia.
Therefore, Olga Gomez, director of the foundation, says the figure is not credible launched from the Executive, which attributes the apparent reduction of kidnapping the success of the democratic security policy.
In fact, questions of the New Hope Foundation suggests that the official report is an instrument of government has worked to support democratic security during the eight years of President Álvaro Uribe.
"These figures are rigged and dishonest. You do not want (the government) to the actual loses credibility because the Democratic Security Policy, "emphasizes Gustavo Munoz, a member of New Hope.
According to this organization only in its database are registered 3 725 cases of kidnapping.
As the report assesses the growing questions about its thoroughness. For example the 614 cases, according to the Fondelibertad, say they are for clarification. For organizations working in the field, this is another indication of the apparent lack of objectivity in which girded the Ministry of Defense.
Among other reasons, because that has not been completed research not mean they are not kidnapped, but said that those Fondelibertad 614 no evidence to justify calling them "hostages".
Added to this is that the Government fails to disclose the identity and history of the 79 hostages. According to Harlan Henao, director of Fondelibertad, the reserve is due to the lack of consent of relatives.
~~~~~Helicopters arrive in Brazil
Brazilian helicopters between Sunday and Tuesday kidnapped two soldiers collected last arrived yesterday afternoon to Villavicencio (130 km southeast of Bogota).
The aircraft left the Brazilian population of San Gabriel de Cachoeira, carrying members of the humanitarian mission in charge of collecting the military announced the release of which the FARC.
Traveling in helicopters, among others, Senator Piedad Cordoba, who the rebels pledged to hand over uniforms, as they have with other abductees.
Also spilled onto aircraft Roberta Facciola, delegate of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Bishop Leonardo Gomez. The early hour Sunday, the mission will be relocated to somewhere in the jungles of southern Colombia, where he collected Joshua Calvo soldier, kidnapped by the FARC in April 2009.
Once consolidated that operation, the helicopters on Monday and the group will travel to Florence, in the department of Caqueta (south). It is anticipated that a day after the FARC delivered to that region Sergeant Pablo Emilio Moncayo, seized since December 1997 by the FARC.