in each country through bribery, coercion, if they don't agree with US right-wing goals already, and we all know, those of us who DO look for information, that in a preponderance of cases the right-wing greedy, ruthless, murderous a-holes in our powerful right-wing, when they worm their way into the Presidency, are determined to bring as much suffering and grief to the poor, everyone who would DARE to protest or resent exploitation and monstrous abuse.
Time after time the people of Latin America have been beaten down, terrorized into submission, lasting for decades at times. That is always the PLAN: crush dissent at all cost, do it in such a way the people will live in terror, desperation, and despair, believing they are simply unable to move against so much evil.
We know it, and those who support the oligarchs know it too, including the babbling idiots who attempt to mislead people about the nature of leaders like Lula, who himself, was imprisoned and abused by a filthy right-wing government, and his brother deeply brutalized.
I think this is a place I'd like to add two poll results done in the last year regarding Hugo Chavez, as the thread has been infected already with misinformation:
Venezuelan President Chavez’s Popularity Steady at 60%
Posted on 2010 January 12 by BBVM
According to a study carried out by the Venezuelan Institute of Data Analysis (IVAD), Venezuelan president Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías’s approval has dropped slightly, to 60.3%, from 62.4% last October.IVAD performed the study from 12 to 20 December, interviewing 1,200 people directly in their homes. IVAD selected the interviewees at random but also reflecting a range of regions and social groups in Venezuela.
To the question, “How do you rate Hugo Chavez’s management as president of Venezuela?,” 38.7% said “bad” and 60.5% said “good”. The poll also confirmed that Chavez’s party, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV – Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela), continues to be the most popular party.
The poll comes as PSUV, opposition and other party leaders prepare for an election campaign year, where all positions in the National Assembly will be up for election in September.
In May 2008 an IVAD poll said Chavez had an approval rating of 68.8%, and in October last year, 62.4%. IVAD polls tend to reflect greater support for the president than polls by opposition polling agencies. Chavez Popularity Slips In Venezuela: Polls
IAN JAMES | 10/22/09 02:01 AM |
CARACAS, Venezuela — Hugo Chavez's support has declined in the polls as many Venezuelans say they are fed up with 27 percent inflation, a stagnant economy, faulty public services – and a government they see as incapable of doing much about it.
The president's popularity has slid in monthly tracking polls from a high of 61 percent after winning a vote in February to 52.8 percent last month, pollster Luis Vicente Leon of the Caracas-based firm Datanalisis said Wednesday, adding that the downward trend in the percentage who view his presidency positively has continued since.
After more than a decade in power, Chavez is still by far the country's most popular, most resilient and most divisive politician. What appears to have changed recently is that more are complaining about the high cost of living and a government that has often fallen far short of its promises.
"Whatever he offers, everything gets half-done," said Maria Martinez, a 32-year-old who once voted for Chavez but now is disenchanted. She says the government's health programs are insufficient, and the $500 or so she earns each month selling books in the street is no longer enough to support her five children.
She said water reaches her Caracas slum only now and then due to a broken main that officials haven't fixed.
"They always say they're going to repair the pipe, and they never do," Martinez said with a frown. "They offer and offer, and they never finish."
Leon, whose polling firm has long tracked Venezuelans' views about Chavez, said that in the past whenever his popularity has dipped near or below 50 percent, it has "set off alarms" for the president and he has found ways to boost his support. He said Chavez has recovered from worse situations before and "continues to be the strongest leader in the game."
In the past couple of months, as the lower poll numbers emerged, Chavez announced plans to bring in more Cuban doctors to staff neighborhood clinics he acknowledged had been abandoned. He also has prepared to boost spending through issuing some $8 billion in bonds. ~~~~ We are also aware there has been a full force anti-Chavez propaganda campaign exactly like the campaign directed by Ronald Reagan's Office of Public Diplomacy, headed by Cuban "exile" filth Otto Reich until Congress found him to be indulging in ILLEGAL propaganda tactics, for which he could have been legally taken to court, but was protected by Reagan.
The campaign went totally aggressive under the stolen Presidency of
George W. Bush, who sneaked his nominee, Otto Reich, infamous by now for his evil involvement in the illicit Contra war in Nicaragua, who had been soundly rejected by the U.S. Senate, into position in the State Department during a Congressional Recess.
Everyone knows this daily all-out assault in the corporate media, and where it's coming from. We are also aware that the U.S. State Department has made arrangement with a host of paid sociopaths to meddle in internet discussions, trying to bring conversations to a dead stop by interference, and to outshout legitimate people who gather there to exchange the information they work to find.
We already posted a published article on this subject a few months ago, and discussed it as a wave of these people spontaneiously appeared at the same time, as if they had taken a bus to this message board together.
We are NEVER fooled, we are NEVER impressed, we ALWAYS spot through them the moment they slime into view.
We WILL continue to support good on earth, and justice for the people, no one anywhere will defeat good people.
Disruptors' cause is lost here. We're stronger, and we're better people. We believe in people, not the people eaters.
Thank you.