That's the "tip of the iceberg," I think, as to this so-called "opening" to Cuba. It is not well-intended. Honduras and Colombia have given the lie to President Obama's stated objectives of "peace, respect and cooperation" in Latin America. Those instances of U.S. meddling and truly bad intentions say it all, about continued Bushwhack policy in Latin America. Nothing has changed. And the loosened rules for travel will be used to spy on, destabilize and overthrow Cuba's government, if possible.
I have been wary of the loosened travel rules from the beginning, because very early on I was picking up signals from the Obama administration that it would be the "same old same old" U.S. meddling and bloody-mindedness (and bloody handedness). During his very inauguration week, President Obama took the trouble to go on Spanish TV and repeat CIA/corporate bullshit about Hugo Chavez. Such peace! Such respect! Such cooperation! I tried to write that off to bad advisers. Then came Honduras. Then came the secretly negotiated U.S./Colombia military agreement for Pentagon occupation of Colombia (adjacent to oil rich Venezuela and Ecuador). I can't write it off any more. Either Barack Obama has no control over U.S. policy in Latin America, or he is on board for these and possibly worse horrors. Chavez said, of Obama, that he is "the prisoner of the Pentagon." That may be a charitable interpretation.
Tens of thousands of union leaders, human rights workers, community activists, peasant farmer leaders, teachers and others have been slaughtered by the Colombian military (with $7 BILLION in U.S. aid!) and its closely tied rightwing paramilitary death squads. (Amnesty International and the UN attribute the bulk of these murders to the Colombian military and its death squads, in equal proportions). The slaughter is on-going--with a mass grave of recent vintage containing up to 2,000 bodies just discovered in La Macarena, Colombia. And the carnage of the U.S. coup in Honduras is now up to about 300 murders of leftist activists. Honduras is going the way of Colombia. These are the U.S./Obama administration's closest "friends and allies" in Latin America!
This is how the U.S. operates, whoever is president--by official and unofficial murder and vast corruption. So I think we can be quite sure that this is the U.S. intention in Cuba. They are probably making lists (as in Honduras). They want to know whom to target when the inevitable U.S. coup attempt occurs. They are also looking for Cuban operatives to help carry out their dire plans. This may be why the FBI is asking questions of U.S. travelers--to get the names, addresses and opinions of Cuban targets or potential operatives. Another purpose may be terror--to scare any U.S. citizens who are in sympathy with the Cuban people and government. And it is one of the horrors of the Bushwhack era that there is no line, any more, between domestic and foreign policy, as to surveillance and police powers. The FBI is the CIA is the NSA is the U.S. Air Force is the U.S. Navy is the U.S. Army is Dyncorp is Blackwater is...you name it. It is all one, now, and we, the people who pay their goddamned salaries and benefits, and who enrich these war profiteer and other multinational corporations, are as much the targets of their "war on terror" as the targeted peoples of other countries.
This is scary shit, truly. And the scariest part may be that it doesn't matter whom we elect, or who we THINK we elect. The infrastructure for massively spying on us and oppressing us has been locked into place. It operates on its own, and by leave of those who are permitted by this powerful "military-industrial" establishment to hold office. Our office-holders are severely curtailed--and hold only apparent power--or are in direct collusion with our real rulers--the military/corporate profiteers.
I hate to speak such depressing truths and not suggest a remedy. And so here it is, Remedy No. 1: Get rid of the 'TRADE SECRET' voting machines! Transparent vote counting is THE essential condition needed to even begin reform. It is the bottom line of democracy. We have lost control of vote counting to one of the worst, most far rightwing corporations--ES&S, which just bought out Diebold, and now has an 85% monopoly of U.S. voting systems. We MUST change this. We MUST!