Chicago: Direct from Cuba, a rare opportunity to hear Cuban student leaders speak http://peoplesworld.org/events/175
Learn about Cuba's internationalist volunteers who are in 101 counties with over 100,000 doctors to provide medical care, including in some of the world's remotest corners. With over 300 doctors in Haiti when the earthquake struck, they were the first in providing aid to the Haitian people.
Yenaivis Fuentes Ascencio, 23, was born in Guantánamo, Cuba. Fuentes is finishing her sixth and final year of undergraduate medical studies in Havana. She serves as the National Public Health Education Coordinator of the Federation of University Students.
Aníbal Ramos Socarrás, 30, was born in Manzanillo, Cuba. Ramos is a third-year graduate student in surgery at the Manzanillo School of Medical Sciences at the University of Granma. He served one year in Haiti with a volunteer medical brigade. He is a leader of the Federation of University Students at the School of Medical Sciences in Manzanillo.
At Northeastern Illinois University, Science 101
Sponsors: Justice Studies Department, Sociology Department, Political Science Department, Foreign Languages and Literatures, African & African American Studies Program, Latino and Latin American Studies Program, Women's Studies Program, Justice Studies Club, Feminist Collective, Movimiento Cultural Latino Americano, Alpha Psi Lambda, Union for Puerto Rican Students