thinking. My criticism of this shoddy report means that I'm saying that Amnesty International--a worldwide organization, which has issued many CREDIBLE reports--is not "a credible human rights organization"? That's your conclusion? That's like the conclusion that if I like universal free medical care, free college education for the poor, use of oil profits to benefit the poor, and other policies and activities of the Chavez government, I am a Chavez "worshiper"! Stupid, simplistic, lame--"tea bagger" thinking.
I am saying that NO ONE IS ABOVE CRITICISM--not AI, not Chavez, not ANYBODY.
If they've got something to flog Chavez with, they can damn well present it with more credibility than this. And it just so happens that AI has a weak point, on Venezuela--lack of impartiality, cave-in to rightwing pressure and threats--as evidenced in their cowardly withdrawal of "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" from their Canadian film festival.
So I am withholding judgment on these charges that the Chavez government--and the police in local jurisdictions, and prosecutors, and judges, and victims, and the justice system--are engaging in political prosecution. Many members of the rightwing opposition in Venezuela have proven themselves to be lawless, greedy, thugs and thieves, whose contempt for the law is PROVABLE. They overturned the law--all laws, the Constitution! Globovision's owner actively participated in the coup! Chavez would have been within his rights, as the elected president of the country, responsible for its security, to arrest that traitor and the others like him, back in 2002. He and his government showed restraint. Do they get any credit for that, from the likes of you and the corpo-fascist press? Never.
I do not believe that there is anything normal about the relentless campaign to demonize Chavez, and I fault AI and other groups that should know better for not pointing this out. I have never seen the likes of it, in my lifetime. There are parallels, resemblances, nothing like this. I have seen egregious bias and outright lies ACROSS THE BOARD, from EVERY major "first world" news source. And it never stops. It is never relieved by ANY recognition of the Chavez government's achievements or its overwhelming support within Venezuela.
The most immediate parallel that I see, for this on-going campaign of lies, distortion and black holes where information should be, is the WMDs that weren't in Iraq, and there is also an element to this psyops campaign that attempts to segue the use of Saddam Hussein-- who actually committed crimes and really was a dictator--as the bogeyman to slaughter a hundred innocent thousand people and steal their oil, and stamp that demon figure onto Chavez. Saddam Hussein was a bad guy, for sure, but he was also used as a bogeyman, to disguise the horrible reality that it would be the innocent who would suffer, with mass death, chaos and theft of their resources. The psyops campaigners are actively working on this segue--right now, today--with Colombian charges that Chavez is harboring terrorists. Chavez has done absolutely nothing to deserve this bogeyman status and has done much good, and furthermore is clearly, transparently, democratically supported by the majority of Venezuelans. The "Alice in Wonderland"-ishness of this is staggering to me.
So I will not participate in it. This is NOT a normal political debate. If my worst fears are true, it is psyops preparation for a second oil war, this time in South America, with the Colombian government and military as the proxies (as in Vietnam). Venezuela is a normal democracy, with a normal government, normal problems and a normal leader. There is plenty to criticize. I've read LEFTIST criticisms of the Chavez government--serious criticisms--at a pro-Chavez web site (venezuelanalysis.com). But in THIS country--with our lethal war machine--and in the allied "first world" (most particularly Great Britain and Canada)--there nothing even resembling normal political debate about the Chavez government, nor about the leftist democracy revolution that Venezuela has inspired throughout the region, with ELECTED governments like those in Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras (until the coup) at long last acting in the interests of their own people and not in the interests of U.S. multinational corporations and war profiteers.
I. WILL. NOT. ENGAGE. IN. THIS. PHONY. 'DEBATE.' My criticisms of the Chavez government or any government that is allied with the Chavez government (as are all of the above) are NOT NEEDED, and I will not make them until this psyops campaign STOPS. It is NOT a political debate. It is a PROPAGANDA campaign to pick out every vulnerability, every mistake, every stray word, every failure, most especially of Chavez and his government, and exaggerate it beyond reason, adding in outright lies--that Chavez is a "terrorist lover," that Chavez is anti-Semitic, that Chavez suppresses "free speech," and on and on--and COMPLETELY IGNORING EVERY ACCOMPLISHMENT, of which there are many, and the accomplishments of the people of Venezuela, and of these others countries as well, including their amazing, grass roots driven electoral victories.
We should be looking to this democracy revolution for models in the restoration of democracy HERE--not listening to rightwing crapola about how "undemocratic" they are. That is utter bullshit and it has an AGENDA--U.S. corporate/war profiteer re-conquest of Latin America--whether by coups, as in Honduras, or by USAID funding of every rightwing group in the region, or by U.S. "war on drugs" militarization, or by outright war. The Chavez government and its allies are the MOST DEMOCRATIC governments that Latin American countries have ever had! They are models of democracy compared to our own. They put us to shame!
We should save our criticism for the real villains--our own corporate rulers and war profiteers, the perps of our broken, corporate-run election system, the propagandists of our rancid corpo-fascist press, and the heinous war criminals that we are "harboring" from anti-Castro airplane bombers to Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld. These are truly anti-democratic leaders and murderers who mean ill to the world and to us. Chavez is a saint by comparison. And now do I get the charge of "Chavez worshiper" leveled at me again? I will say it again: Chavez is a SAINT by comparison to those who are really running things here. Level away! Twist on! Simplify to your heart's content!