This is Larry Palmer,
In June, Obama nominated him to the ambassadorship in Venezuela.
In Bogota today (Tuesday), the newspaper El Tiempo published remarks attributed to Palmer at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing last week. In the article, he is alleged to have said, in response to questions from Sen. Richard Lugar:
-- The morale of the Venezuelan armed forces is low for political reasons.
-- Despite Hugo Chavez's huge investments in defense, the professionalism of the Army also is dropping because of lack of training for officers.
-- Palmer also mentioned "problems" in maintaining (military) equipment that could cause "serious consequences" in the capacity to react.
-- Palmer expressed concern because two top members of the (Venezuelan) government continue in their posts despite being on the Clinton List of narco-traffickers (Palmer did not name them.) Palmer said there was a "problem" with the appointment of Gen. Henry Rangel Silva, (also on the Clinton List), as commander of the army's Strategic Operations department.
-- Palmer said the evidence presented by Colombia at the OAS was very serious and should be investigated in depth.
-- Palmer also spoke of the "clear links" between members of the Venezuelan government and the FARC, and the lack of will by the government to impede that the guerrillas use (Venezuelan) territory.
-- Palmer said the Cuban presence in Venezuela is not limited to areas of medicine, education and technology, there are "credible reports over growing cooperation in the intelligence and military services. He said Venezuelan military officers train in Cuba and "social activists" receive paramilitary training from Cubans in Venezuela.
El Tiempo story: ------------------------
But something happened after Palmer's appearance before the committee. Following the hearings, 14 of the 17 members of the SFRC voted to recommend to the full Senate 32 nominated ambassadors.
But Larry Palmer was NOT on the list. Lugar said he did not know why Palmer did not make it.
If what El Tiempo published is true, you can be sure that the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry and Hugo Chavez are analyzing word for word the transcript of what Palmer said. And if he did say all those idiotic things as a NOMINEE, it's possible Venezuela will NOT accept him, should he get full Senate approval.
That is if Obama does not withdraw his nomination.