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Judi Lynn
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Thu Aug-05-10 04:22 AM Original message |
For the DU'ers who followed the story of the Santa Cruz-contracted mercenaries |
who were killed in Bolivia. Here's a new one, from Bolivia, a little worse for wear due to running it through google translation.
First the link, for the Spanish speakers: http://www.bolpress.com/art.php?Cod=2010073101 Google translation: Updated 31/07/2010 to hours : 21:42:59 12 min. The German fled to Bolivia during the government of Sanchez de Lozada , his wife was a member of the MNR and worked in the Ministry of Interior Dirk Schmidt bought the same weapons they bought Eduardo Rozsa Jeff Brent (Data & Analysis) .- It is not wrong the current Minister of Government , Sacha Llorenti, about the criminal history of Dirk Schmidt, the German agent who infiltrated the state intelligence apparatus Plurinational of Bolivia and in their own party structures the governing Movement to Socialism ( MAS). In its record of arms dealer known during the war in the Balkans in Europe, including his relationship with corrupt police band Blas Valencia and an allusion in the record revealing the apocalyptic terrorist Eduardo Rozsa Flores. "Dirk Schmidt arrived yesterday at 9:00 midway through the Judicial Technical Police and went to the Homicide Division to try to talk with the prosecutor assigned to the case to clarify the versions that are running on it , " recounted a chronic published by El Deber of Santa Cruz on January 20, 2002 -. " Police officers noted coincidentally sharing the German citizen allegedly involved with the band of former police Blas Valencia, was quiet and spoke with some police officers who apparently known before. " The German name was linked in the case of assault and murder committed on December 14, 2001 by a gang of robbers led police colonels and Freddy Blas Cáceres Valencia , where the shipment of one million dollars from the company Prosegur was assaulted in the street Kantutani of La Paz , killing two uniformed guards and a civilian dead. The same group two days perpetrated a bomb attack against the police command in Santa Cruz. Such events occurred during the government of Jorge "Tuto "Quiroga (DNA). During the investigations of those crimes , Blas Valencia syndicated Dirk Schmidt to be associated with Bolivian police have provided protection to Peruvian robbers , and had sold land that was transferred as a gift to General José Luis Medina , who was Commander General of Police. Then, " but denied involvement in the robbery , " Schmidt admitted to the journalist Gustavo Ondarza actually knew Blas Group Valencia , Colonel Freddy Caceres had given him permission to carry weapons. The German admitted that he met the police personnel in the mid- 90s by an official of the then Ministry of Interior (now the Government) and active member of the MNR , Karina Flores Villa , whom she later married. ( During the current German regime was the wife of the councilor of the MAS in the eastern town Porongo , after having delivered thousands of dollars per head of the electoral campaign in the area MAS ). But that was not the first or only time the name of Dirk Schmidt jumped into the open between blood and corruption scandals , and especially surprised that some ruling party leaders have been incorporated into German and his wife in critical and very sensitive levels the current state management , ignoring history as gruesome and reactionary . An extraditable unpunished In September 1997, four years after his illegal entry into Bolivia, German justice officials detected Dirk Schmidt working for Interpol Bolivia in La Paz and Santa Cruz. Then the German Embassy in Mexico sent a letter to the National Police Commander , General Thomas Asturizaga claimed by the irregular situation. The communication dated 1 September of that year, he argues that the legation Germanic Schmidt knows that police work in those offices , although " still being sought in Germany arrest warrant on charges of fraud . " In this letter , the Chief Adviser for Consular Affairs of the Embassy , Stefan Herzberg , asks the general Azturizaga consider this matter "(...) the relationship between Interpol and Schmidt . " In 1995, the same German Embassy had filed a warrant requesting the extradition of Schmidt , a resource that was dropped due to a formality , since the documentation could not be timely filed before the Supreme Court of Sucre, which, without further delay or set aside the opinion option and released the accused. The embassy protested the manner in which the Bolivian justice system had transgressed in favor of the German fugitive , whose lawyer Adhemar Suarez (who continues to hold today) was an influential member of the MNR and personal friend of several prosecutors , judges and magistrates then regime . The administration of President Evo Morales, consistent with the revolutionary ethic that governs the government administration, should reopen the case and decide in a transparent extradition proceedings brought 15 years ago by the German Embassy , to safeguard the international prestige of the nascent state Plurinational Bolivia. Sanchez de Lozada Protected The Ministry of the State Government plurinational through Llorenti minister has confirmed that, before arriving in Bolivia in 1993 Dirk Schmidt was hounded from Germany on charges of forgery , embezzlement and fraud crimes committed " against a delegation of United States Armed Forces in Germany. " According to the official report , Schmidt also charged with "forgery of official passports for the formation of an international company to sell arms to Bolivia on behalf of the former Yugoslavia. " Those allegations have already been made official by extraditorio warrant brought by the German Embassy to the Supreme Court of Justice of Bolivia in 1995, were publicly refuted by Schmidt himself , saying the following in an interview with El Deber, January 22 2002: " In 1993 I was managing an investigation into Bolivian diplomatic passports were being offered in Germany by the press. I had a research company and decided that I will investigate as I traveled to La Paz and I went to the Embassy to discuss with the Liaison Officer to coordinate the work , I gave him all the documentation I had and then came official Intelligence , Interpol and the National Police had heard me because I was in that investigation , and that they also provided with a copy of my research. Based on my work they could derail the band that had ties not only in Bolivia but in Germany, England and Austria. " Corresponds to the current government was broken verify whether such alleged passport smuggling ring , although it is likely that Schmidt himself has been part of her complicity of officials of the Embassy of Bolivia in Germany , who should appear in the case of open most appropriate investigation . The links " trade "between Schmidt and Bolivian officials from our Embassy in Berlin, dating from the government of Jaime Paz Zamora ( MIR). The German came to Bolivia on July 30, 1993 , a week before the possession of Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada ( MNR). Both the Foreign Ministry (by Antonio Aranibar Quiroga ) and the ministries of the Presidency ( Carlos Sánchez Berzaín ) and Interior ( Germain Quiroga Gómez) moved all the threads to provide the German radicatoria documents , regardless of their status as a fugitive in contempt . Goni The Government also committed a series of crimes of misrepresentation and material to " legalize "the stay "indefinitely "by Dirk Schmidt in Bolivian territory, causing serious harm to the security and sovereignty of the Bolivian state , it can be made establish as treason . Thereafter , as a safe place, the German fugitive was devoted to the purchase and sale of rich farmland in eastern Bolivia , holds vast holdings in indigenous communities and Tarumatú Chiquitano as Vulture . At the same time continued his business of buying and selling of weapons (which presumably were intended for drug trafficking) , building on its contacts with intelligence agencies and military police who had agreed by the bridges that tended Karina Flores Villa from the Ministry of Interior (Now Ministry of Government). Bid on arms Eduardo Rozsa Between October and November 2008, the Balkan mercenary Eduardo Rozsa Flores had begun to distance themselves from their sponsors of the Santa Cruz oligarchy separatists , whom he criticized for being a " stingy guys "because they refused to hand over the huge resources required to purchase financial weapons of mass destruction and missiles and tanks , not just pistols and rifles. The relationship between Rozsa and " The Tower group " began to deteriorate further because, in its war strategy that looked like a movie script to the Terminator , the crazy Croat wanted to assume total control (above calendar controls ) after bloodbath unleashed his army of the Young Unionists 'of hooligans Blooming East and also former police and military of corrupt and fascist roots , thus setting a model exactly like the Terrorist War in the Balkans : urban warfare with devastating collateral damage to civilians more vulnerable as children , women and elderly (and indigenous) , charging that the government of Evo Morales. Everything would be filmed as the second part of megalomaniac film Ibolya Fekete addressed to him after the destruction of Yugoslavia. In this interregnum, Rozsa Flores decided to try to sell his screenplay of war of extermination to the CIA, making contact with potential funders of anti-Castro group of Armando Valladares. Your link in Washington was the spy Belovai Hungarian Istvan , who Rozsa maintained permanent contacts via email and chat , putting aware of the situation in the country. ( Belovai found dead in November 2009 in Denver , apparently killed by the CIA to remove traces of liaison with Rozsa ). Among the reports sent to Istvan Rozsa , Data & Analysis , which was in July 2009 as part of the research we conducted on the subject, " contained some intelligence reports written in English , where German is the name of Dirk Schmidt . ( Rozsa had succeeded in structuring an effective intelligence apparatus , which in urban warfare strategies for long-term project is a prerequisite ). In one of his reports marked as " Log of Operations ( the Communists Enemy ) " sent to the CIA in November 2008 , Rozsa realizes six significant events in their perception , which occurred between 1 and 20 November of that year, such as the expulsion of Ambassador Goldberg , government intervention of the DEA offices in Santa Cruz, Evo Morales announced the expulsion of the CIA , the arrival of Russian businessmen at the Hotel Los Tajibos and occupation of the lands of the landowner American Ronald Larsen in the town of Camiri. The fifth paragraph of that report aimed to raise "concerns of the CIA " about the situation of American interests in Bolivia, Dirk Schmidt mentions identified as a former agent of the Stasi (the East German KGB ) and had crossed on their way to buy the weapons were destined for its army balkanized . Schmidt would have proceeded to buy those weapons on Friday November 14, 2008 , and the original text of the report Rozsa his CIA contact is: "Dirk Schmidt - Former East German Stasi agent Bought a lot of Weapons . The Rising Force Weapons can not buy them Because Bought Schmidt . Maybe I have is working for the Interpol too . ( Check the identity of Schmidt ). " Our free translation: "Dirk Schmidt , a farmer who was an agent of the Stasi in East Germany, bought a large shipment of weapons. Our emerging force can not buy these guns because Schmidt already bought them . Apparently also works for Interpol ( find out who is this that Schmidt ). " Rozsa 's file available Data & Analysis contains no more direct references to German, and it is unknown whether the CIA was aware of its history linked to arms trafficking in Germany and the band Blas Valencia. What is clear , in any case , is that between Eduardo Rozsa and Dirk Schmidt was a dispute over access to sophisticated weapons black market that exists in Bolivia, and would not be surprising that this black market has its origin in the Army or Police. Schmidt may well be part of this black market of highly lethal weapons to supply the drug , or for use in violent encroachments of agricultural land ( his other business ) by exploiting his ties to a corrupt sector of the MAS. For Rozsa , the fate of such weapons was clear . We refer to these confessional statements of his henchman Ignacio Villa Vargas: "The goal was to kill Evo, a Linera and Quintana, they talked constantly ( Rozsa and his group , nr ). He said that there was a guy who had to give more than $ 100,000 to kill Quintana. (... ). Also wanted a radar that would place the aircraft in which to be transported Quintana Pando , using the rocket . " It is the duty of relevant authorities to identify these purveyors of death who put in high-risk security, the cultural revolution and peace of Bolivians. I'll be continuing to look for more on this, as always. This story IS going to be unraveled, in time. |
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