See my comment at
Something's going on with this--corpo-fascist paper publishing Bushwhack's USAID Director in Colombia on the, um, "failure" of our $7 BILLION "investment" to kill off the armed and unarmed opposition to Colombia's narco-thug government and to stop coca leaf growing by Colombia's small farmers by driving 5 MILLION of them off their land--with toxic pesticide spraying and official terror--into urban squalor or fleeing over the border for refuge in Venezuela and Ecuador from the U.S.-funded Colombian military.
It was such a great program, so well-meaning, how could it fail to produce the desired results--a "free trade for the rich" deal with Colombia rammed through Congress, a "pacified" slave labor work force in Colombia, and the oil resources of Colombia's neighbors back in Exxon Mobil's control?
Got to re-think this project, find some patsies to blame, protect the Big Perps in Washington, cover our asses, and figure out how to keep profiting from war, exploitation and lies.
I don't know if I've quite nailed why the CIA would suddenly be all appalled at the death and mayhem in Colombia, but, if past and recent past history is any guide, we are seeing the tension between "free trade for the rich" vs the conditions needed to impose "free trade for the rich" (on countries and regions), that is, first laying waste to a country that is a good candidate for U.S. tool in the region--all the better if you can get locals to lay waste to their own--and then "working with" the puppet government on democracy cosmetics, to steal resources and create a slave labor force for U.S. corporate sweatshops, with an even darker purpose behind these--using the puppet government and military for region-wide war, if and when the time is ripe.
The "fly" in this "ointment" is that Latin America and the world have become aware of the atrocities in Colombia. And I think one really bad one--the La Macarena massacre (nearby to a U.S. military base, and with the involvement of the USAID in a "pacification" plan in the area)--may be about to "hit the fan." Scapegoats must be found. (Uribe is a good candidate for that--a perp for sure, but maybe not one in a class with Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld, for whom the law does not exist.)
Anyway, whatever is going on with this, I would just say, beware, beware, beware! (And the swipe at Chavez--that HE is the "saber rattler"--may be the tipoff. It certainly tipped me off--prompted me to look up Milburn Line's bio.)
Consider this crock from Line's new perch at the Kroc Institute at the University of San Diego:
"Colombia has been a regional and historical ally of the United States since the Korean War. Its democracy has withstood mighty challenges from drug lords and insurgents — all the more reason for the United States to honestly assess and support our Colombian partners, including renewing efforts for a peace process and demanding full accountability for human rights violations. We cannot continue to celebrate a 'success story' with such disturbing human rights and humanitarian results. Saturday's inauguration may mean more of the same failing policies unless U.S. leadership conducts a more candid review of our joint efforts under Plan Colombia and renews its commitment to peace and justice."I mean, it IS possible that he's "found Jesus." It's a Catholic University and it is at least possible that Jesus is in in residence there. But the swipe at Chavez from this Bushwhack USAID Director in Colombia tells me otherwise--as does virtually every phrase of the above paragraph. "Withstood mighty challenges." A "success story." "Commitment to peace and justice." Good God!
The hidden agenda may lay in the crock of "full accountability"--never happen, cuz that's Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld and whomever they have chosen to protect--and "a more candid review" of "our joint efforts." More candid than what?
I think "urbito" is in big trouble. He has imitated Bush Jr but he is NOT Bush Jr. His hysteria about FARC guerrillas hiding in Venezuela and it all being Chavez's fault may be an indication of how much trouble he is in (trying to buy continued CIA protection with a stunt like that). And I think the plan is to do a purge of him and other lesser perps, to keep suspicion off the biggest perps (here), to get the "free trade for the rich" deal through Congress, and possibly to complete preparations for the next oil war, with the new puppet, Santos--whom I think is far more dangerous than Uribe--as the front man.
I'm pretty good at parsing Catholic theology for its agendas. It has helped me learn to read the corpo-fascist press for
their agendas. It's quite interesting to me that a man like Fine would land at a Catholic university, heading an institute that claims devotion to "peace and justice." (Sorry about the swipe at the Kroc name. The Kroc family may be genuinely devoted to peace and justice. I really don't know.) The mindbending twists and turns of Catholic theology, to end up with the conclusion that Jesus didn't want women to be priests--and some of their other wilder flights--strike me as quite similar to corpo-fascist propaganda about "democracy" and "freedom" and "peace." In actuality, their every action has aimed to DESTROY these things, forevermore, throughout the world. These words have become absolutely meaningless in their mouths, in much the same way that Jesus' simple message of love has become meaningless, down through the centuries, in the hands of self-inflated, powermongering prelates.