distrust corpo-fascist news sources, distrust the Pentagon and the State Department, consult alternative news sources, consider related facts and think for themselves. Who would you believe?
naaman fletcher has an interesting theory--that Panamanian labor unions might be intending to shut down the canal, thus this big U.S. military push in Costa Rica may be preparation to move to keep the canal open (that's one use for the U.S. military, I guess--busting unions), but considering a host of other facts, I think this may be distraction.
The other facts:
Secretly negotiated U.S./Colombia military agreement, granting U.S. military use of at least seven military bases in Colombia, U.S. military use of all civilian infrastructure in Colombia, and total diplomatic immunity for all U.S. soldiers and U.S. military 'contractors,' no matter what they do in Colombia. Some of these bases are on the Colombia/Venezuela border.
$7 BILLION in U.S. military aid to Colombia (and counting).
USAF bases on the Dutch islands right off Venezuela's oil coast. (Venezuela says they've done illegal overflights of Venezuelan territory.)
The U.S. reconstitution of the 4th Fleet in the Caribbean (mothballed since WW II), which Lula da Silva said poses a threat to Brazil's oil--in addition to it being a plain threat to Venezuela's.
Recent USGS report establishing that Venezuela has the largest oil reserves on earth (twice Saudi Arabia's). Currently, the profits from the oil are being "wasted" on the poor instead of stuffing the pockets of Exxon Mobil executives. Exxon Mobil refused to agree to a fair contract with Venezuela, and withdrew from negotiations in a great huff. They want revenge.
Iran a hard nut to crack. Venezuela closer to home. US war machine and "free trade for the rich"/globalization machine very thirsty for oil.
Rightwing coup in Honduras, aided by the Pentagon, whose commanders at the U.S. air base in Honduras sat on their hands while the plane taking the kidnapped president out of the country at gunpoint, stopped for refueling at their airbase; followed by democracy cosmetics compliments of Hillary Clinton and John McCain, paid for by you and me (and occurring amidst massive repression and the murder of at least a hundred anti-coup activists, including union leaders, teachers and others). One of the reasons for the coup was President Zelaya's proposal to convert the U.S. air base to a commercial airport (badly needed in Honduras). The coup secured U.S. war assets in Honduras. Another was Zelaya's alliance with Chavez and the ALBA countries (small countries barter trade group; offense to U.S. "free trade for the rich"). And the capper was Zelaya raising the minimum wage and other helps to some of the poorest people in Latin America (offense to the rich elite and to U.S. sweatshop corps in Honduras).
One of the coup generals said that the purpose of their coup was "to prevent communism from Venezuela reaching the United States" (--quoted in a report on the coup by the Zelaya government-in-exile).
Relentless psyops/disinformation campaign against the Chavez government, never more intense than now, with Washington's outgoing tool in Colombia, Alvaro Uribe, recently accusing the Chavez government of 'harboring' FARC guerrillas. When Uribe apologized for a bombing/raid inside Ecuador's territory, in March 2008, to destroy a FARC guerilla camp, and promised that Colombia would never do such a thing again--Washington's incoming tool, Manuel Santos, said that HE would not hesitate to do it again. Santos was Defense Minister during that incident, and throughout most of the carnage against trade unionists, human rights workers, political leftists, peasant farmers and others by the Colombian military and its closely tied rightwing paramilitary death squads. Uribe was "erratic" (according to The Economist--a corpo-fascist rag). Santos is not "erratic." He will carry out Washington's plans without apology.
The USAF document that Eva Golinger uncovered, describing Pentagon plans for "full spectrum" military operations in Latin America, to deal with drugs, terrorists and "anti-U.S. countries."
The history of the United States in Latin America, which has almost never varied from gross interference.
The "war on drugs"--which has been used as the cover for U.S. militarization of the region.
The Iraq War.
The Vietnam War.
All in all, I think that the U.S. has a "circle the wagons" strategy, in the Central America/Caribbean region, which includes toppling the leftist democracies in this region (which are softer targets than the leftist governments in South America)--Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala (one down, three to go), horrendous violence in Colombia and Mexico, deliberately instigated by Plan Colombia and Plan Merida, respectively (to utterly crush the left in Colombia, and prevent the vast poor majority and their advocates from winning the presidency in Mexico (which they almost did in 2005)--destabilization again being the tool)--and, finally, to net Venezuela's oil into this region of U.S. dominated "free trade for the rich" and stop Venezuela's organization of the small countries to resist it.
Thus bulked up, the U.S. can take on South America, where the movement for political/economic integration and collective strength is more advanced. Venezuela is caught right in the middle of this grand design, at the top edge of South America on the Caribbean--a sitting duck for all these gathered U.S. forces, and as the linchpin oil supplier for U.S. military and corporate needs. Venezuela's and Colombia's coasts form the southern arc of the circle. Colombia is completely "pacified." Venezuela remains stubbornly independent. Venezuela must be brought to heel, one way or another. Our multinational corporate rulers and war profiteers must regain control of their "back yard" if their world domination schemes are to be realized.
They've failed to subdue Venezuela by other means--coup attempt, oil bosses' lockout, U.S.-funded recall election, lavish funding/training of rightwing groups, "divide and conquer" trying to split Venezuela from its many strong allies, and God knows what-all. So, the "circle the wagons" strategy may include instigating a proxy war against Venezuela, using the Colombian military out front, and possibly escalating U.S. involvement, as in Vietnam. The U.S. has been cagily working up to this for some time--with a slow but major military buildup, under the radar of the American people. They've created bogeyman Chavez, the "dictator"--a completely undeserved slander--to make a lot of Americans not care, to put them to sleep. They may even have their "Gulf of Tonkin"-type incident, with which to get the war started, all ready to go. Uribe's accusation about Venezuela 'harboring' the FARC may have been part of the set up. The U.S. has at least 1,500 soldiers and 'contractors' in Colombia. Any one of them gets shot at, in an incident on the Colombia/Venezuela border, and the war may be on.
There are other possibilities for the trigger. The U.S./Colombia are building a new military base overlooking the Gulf of Venezuela (major Venezuelan oil facilities) only 20 miles from the Venezuelan border. That's probably a spy facility, but any of these assets--the 4th Fleet, the bases on the Dutch islands--could be used to trump something up. Such an incident could be designed to trap Obama into agreeing, or they could wait out the 2012 election. There are already many signs that our corporate rulers and war profiteers intend to re-install Bushites in power. If they do, that pretty much guarantees a military move against Venezuela.
So, all of this is what is on MY mind as to this extraordinary business in Costa Rica--a demilitarized country permitting U.S. military maneuvers, with, lo and behold, the "war on drugs" as the excuse (cover story?). The U.S. "war on drugs" has brought us and others much evil. Its worst result may be Oil War II.