As Haiti’s Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) begins the process of reviewing the paperwork of 34 presidential hopefuls, including Haiti-born Hip Hop star Wyclef Jean, there is uncertainty and tension about which candidates will make the final list to be released Aug. 17. The presidential race has attracted a wide spectrum of candidates, including at least seven self-declared, and undeclared candidates from former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide’s Fanmi Lavalas political party.
But while some in the international community are optimistic of the increasing momentum, others are waiting to see if the expected political fallout from the electoral body’s decision on the candidates’ qualifications will plunge an already quake-ravaged Haiti into violence or governmental crisis.
“This is a very volatile situation. The easiest thing they can say is `You are all candidates.’ But I don’t know if they will do that,” said Robert Fatton, a Haiti-born political expert at the University of Virginia. “It’s going to be fascinating to see how many are in the race after Aug. 17.”
Should it accept all or most of the candidates including Jean, former prime ministers Alexis and Yvon Neptune, and Leslie Voltaire, an urban planner and former Aristide cabinet member, it will make for a complicated race where anyone can end up the winner.
At issue are the seven constitutional requirements one must meet to run for president of Haiti, and how the CEP will decide who among the hopefuls meet them. Will it lean on the side of a legal interpretation, or political influence in its decision-making as it determines the fate of some of the most high-profile candidates, several of whom face legal questions about their qualifications to run?
“Any decision they take carries risk,” said Monferrier Dorval, a law professor at the State University of Haiti.
Poor Haiti.