to achieve a peace agreement in Colombia's 40+ year civil war. The Chavez government in particular has gone the extra mile in trying to make peace--and has had nothing but treachery in return. So it is totally outrageous for Colombia to now blame their bloody civil war on Venezuela!
For instance, back in 2007, Colombia's Uribe lured Chavez into negotiating with the FARC guerillas for hostage releases--publicly ASKED him to help with this. He agreed. He began negotiations with the FARC for the release of hostages, and, then, a few days before the first two hostages were to be released, Uribe suddenly withdrew his request, Donald Rumsfeld published an op-ed in the Washington Post stating that Chavez's help "is not welcome in Colombia," and the Colombian military sent rocked fire at the location of the first two hostages, while they were in route to their freedom, sending them back on a 20 mile hike into the jungle!
And that is not the end of it. Chavez got a total of 6 hostages released, but then he had to stop because of the hostility of the Colombian government and military. Raul Reyes, the FARC's hostage negotiator, wanted to continue, however, because he saw an opening for a peaceful settlement of this long civil war and had been working for a peaceful settlement--mutual disarmament, release of all hostages and prisoners--for some time, convincing other FARC commanders and members to release their hostages. He set up a temporary camp just inside Ecuador's border for the release of Ingrid Betancourt and other hostages. Betancourt's family had been notified. French, Spanish and Swiss envoys were in Ecuador, on their way to the camp, to receive Betancourt, when someone in the Colombian military warned them off. That night, the U.S./Colombia dropped ten 500 lb U.S. "smart bombs" on Reyes' camp and raided over the border to shoot any survivors in the back. The Ecuadoran military found a deeply cratered camp site with dead bodies in their pajamas shot in the back. A total of 25 SLEEPING people had been murdered in this attack, including Reyes.
And that is not yet the end of it. Months later, Colombia claimed to have seized Raul Reyes' laptop (later, laptopS) from the bombed out campsite, and started streaming accusations into the corpo-fascist press that Hugo Chavez and Rafael Correa (president of Ecuador) were "terrorist lovers"--were helping the FARC to get a "dirty bomb," were taking money from the FARC, were giving money TO the FARC--wild, incoherent accusations--from a completely debunked source: the "miracle laptop" (later, laptopS).
Uribe enticed Chavez to contact the FARC, then blamed him for contacting the FARC. (And, frankly, I think Rumsfeld designed this--a pet project of his "Office of Special Plans-in-exile.")
Colombia DOES NOT WANT PEACE. War is their gravy train. They are getting $7 BILLION in U.S. taxpayer-funded military aid to slaughter not just FARC guerillas, but also trade unionists, human rights advocates, teachers, community organizers, peasant farmers and others, and to force 5 MILLION peasant farmers from their land, with state terror, in the interest of Monsanto, Chiquita, Occidental Petroleum, Exxon Mobil, et al, and the big, protected drug lords.
Neither do U.S. war profiteers want peace!
So it is truly outrageous for Uribe to come forth, in his final hours in office, spouting accusations against Venezuela and using the debunked "miracle laptopS" and other Colin Powell-type "evidence" to claim that Venezuela is "harboring" FARC guerillas!
Meanwhile, some quarter of million poor Colombians--mostly peasant farmers--have fled over the border seeking refuge in Venezuela from the Colombian military and its death squads, creating a chaotic border situation where drug and other traffickers operate, and the violence of Colombia's civil war is a constant threat.
This civil war has been going on for more than 40 years! It is time to END IT. Chavez has said so. Everybody has said so, except the parties who are most benefiting from it--U.S. and Colombian war profiteers!
And, by God, if Venezuela gets drawn into a war over this, we will know who designed it.
The new U.S. tool...um, president...in Colombia, Manuel Santos, who was Uribe's Defense Minister during much of the Colombian military/death squad horror AND the sabotaging of peace, by blowing away Raul Reyes' camp, seems to have pulled back from the brink. Immediately upon his inauguration, he met with Chavez and they signed an accord. I don't trust Santos for a moment. I think he is a snake in the grass. But at least the threat of war--a Colombian military incursion into Venezuela, which would leave Venezuela with little choice but to shoot back--has been put into abeyance. HOWEVER, the secretly negotiated U.S./Colombia military agreement--signed by Uribe and U.S. (Bushwhack) ambassador William Brownfield, last year--permits the U.S. military to occupy at least seven military bases in Colombia, U.S. military use of all civilian infrastructure in Colombia and total diplomatic immunity for all U.S. military personnel and U.S. military 'contractors' no matter what they do in Colombia (of which there are said to be some 1,500--called U.S. military 'advisors'--just like in Vietnam in the early 1960s). This agreement has been challenged in the Colombian courts and could be ruled unconstitutional, but the promoters of the agreement have said that the agreement merely ratifies EXISTING arrangements. So the U.S. military is already operating in Colombia, and will not likely be dislodged, in my opinion--no matter what the courts say. The situation remains a tinderbox.