Join the Honduras Delegation www.afgj.org Urgent Call for Accompaniment from Honduras Resistance Front (Sept. 14-22) "Our privileged status as US citizens can help insure the safety of Honduras democracy advocates" - Dale Sorenson, director, Marin Task Force on the Americas
Attacks and repression against the nonviolent resistance movement have escalated since defacto President Porfiro Lobo took office in January 2010 after he won a coup-organized faux election. Berta Oliva, head of Honduras' most important human rights group, COFADEH, told a recent delegation that unless they have on-going international accompaniment, the resistance will be "cooked and served up in the next few months."
Meanwhile the US government insists that democracy has returned to Honduras and Honduras should be reinstated in the Organization of American States and other international bodies from which it was expelled after the June 28, 2009 military coup. The US has even increased support for the very military that initiated the coup.
Join with solidarity activists to see and understand the Honduras situation with your own eyes from Sept. 14-22, 2010. September 15 (Central American Independence Day) is the day the Honduran Resistance will present the results of their Consulta calling for a Constitutional Assembly. Our presence will help insure their safety.
Delegates will meet with members of the Platform for Human Rights and learn about the "Commission of Truth" or "True Commission" launched as a counterbalance to the government-sponsored Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which is supported by the U.S. We will also be there for the anniversary of the day that President Zelaya returned to Honduras and took up residence in the Brazilian Embassy. We will meet with many sectors of Honduran civil society.
September is a difficult time for students and teachers to go on a delegation. We are particularly looking for retired people and people of faith who have flexible schedules that would allow them to travel on short notice. Please forward this announcement to everyone you know.
The delegation will be led on the ground by Andrés Thomas Conteris. Andrés works with Democracy Now! en Español and reported from the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa from September 2009 to January 2010 for numerous media outlets, including KPFA's Flashpoints. He has been an activist for justice in Honduras for many years.
Cost: $750 covers hotel, transportation, and most meals. International airfare is not included.
Information: For more information and an application, contact Dale Sorensen, 415/924-3227 or geodale1@earthlink.net
Sponsors: Alliance for Global Justice, Nonviolence International, SOA Watch, Task Force on the Americas