... "How mafiosos and politicians reconfigured the Colombian State."
That is the title of a new book inaugurated at the Bogota Book Fair that ends this weekend. It is a devestating condemnation of Hillary's good friend uribe and of his regime. This only two weeks after alvarito left the scene.
The book is an exhaustive investigation by a group of Colombian authors from five institutions who conducted a three-year study of Alvaro Uribe's eight years in power.
Brief highlights:
_-- uribe had strong ties with the narco-paramilaries, enabling that mafia to become politically legitimate.
-- the narco-paramilitaires almost gained total power in Colombia.
-- the narco-paramilitaries practically "co-governed" with uribe.
-- 102 members of Congress were linked to illegal groups, five to the FARC.
-- the other 97 were linked to the armed extreme right; 25 have been convicted, 10 are being processed that the rest are under investigation.
-- the legislators linked to the paramilitaries represented 55 percent of the uribista Senate.
-- (Claudia Lopez) "Colombia, under democracy, had more disappeared, more assassinated, more human rights violations than the three dictatorships in the Southern Cone combined."
-- In 20 years of political conflict, there have been more than 31,000 disappeared and 165,000 deaths.
-- In the new Congress that was elected in March, there are 29 senators who are under investigation for "parapolitics."
More here:
http://www.telesurtv.net/noticias/secciones/nota/76945-NN/investigacion-asegura-que-gobierno-de-uribe-estuvo-fuertemente-vinculado-con-narcoparamiliatarismo/ Much more here by googling the title of the book:
Y refundaron la patria. De cómo mafiosos y políticos reconfiguraron el Estado colombiano (Debate 2010)
(edit to correct typo)