Chile miners told to exercise so they can fit through rescue holes
The 33 miners trapped underground in Chile have been told to maintain exercise regimes to ensure they are slim enough to fit through a rescue holes.
By Fiona Govan, and Andrew Hough
Published: 10:00AM BST 26 Aug 2010
The men, estimated to have already lost up to 22lbs after surviving 17 days with only a mouthful or two of tuna, a biscuit and half a glass of milk every 48 hours, have been warned not to put on too much weight through lack of exercise.
A tape measure has been sent down to record their waistlines after Jaime Mañalich, the Minister of Health, said it was essential they remained slim enough to fit through the 26 inch borehole that will eventually take them up to the surface.
In an attempt to keep them fit and sane, they have been given daily tasks such as digging a latrine, while they will also be delivered playing cards, dominoes, pens and paper and music to relieve the boredom.
Jose Hernandez, a Nasa astronaut, said the space agency, with its long research on aiding astronauts isolated in space, could help the Chileans understand how to provide "psychological support for those trapped".
He also said the Americans could help design "an exercise protocol to prevent muscle atrophy".
Nasa said it would be provide "support as requested".
The men, trapped 2,300ft underground in the San Jose gold and copper mine, will also be sent a video camera so they can record messages for their families above ground.