Mérida, August 27th 2010 (Venezuelanalysis.com) – The Bolivarian National Guard captured four tonnes of high purity cocaine in Guarico state yesterday morning.
The Ministry for Justice and Internal affairs reported that the seizure was possible after detecting an unidentified plane that did not have a flight permit.
The Minister for Justice and Internal Affairs, Tareck El Aissami, said it was the “most important seizure that has been carried out in the last four years.”
He said the Aerial Command for Integral Airspace Defence (CODAI) located a plane that was flying illegally from Central America. He assumed the flight came from Honduras.(MORE)
This article makes a couple of interesting points. One of them is:
"U.S and international mainstream media attempt to portray Venezuela as being 'soft' on drugs and incompetent without U.S collaboration."Just assume for a minute that the perps of the failed, corrupt, murderous U.S. "war on drugs" are sincere in their desire to stop illicit drug trafficking. Even given this assumption, the creators of U.S. militarization of this problem exhibit extraordinary arrogance, if not anti-Hispanic prejudice, by presuming that those who don't "cooperate" with them (let DEA agents run loose in their country; accept U.S. military violations of their sovereignty) aren't competent to interdict illicit drugs. It just struck me how arrogant this is. It is also a twisted manipulation, of course, and a "Big Lie." ('Let us trample all over your country or we will call you incompetent and worse.') But the surface meaning of U.S. policy statements on the "war on drugs"--and that is all we ever get, the most superficial bullshit--in itself is arrogant and insulting. 'Let us militarize and corrupt your country, and turn it into Mexico or Colombia, or else...'.
The other item is the mention of Honduras--the U.S. client state with an installed rightwing government--which I have seen referred to as the main transshipment point for hard drugs from Colombia to the U.S. Funny how the U.S. "war on drugs" accelerates drug trafficking and mayhem wherever it puts its boots down. Bolivia has done big busts recently as well--and they also kicked the U.S. "war on drugs" out.