--is "dogged by complaints of meager audiences, biased politics and journalism and cronyism."
I wonder if this is evidence that the Hairball is part of the new CIA campaign to smoosh some democracy cosmetics on U.S. relations in Latin America--notably, in Colombia--with their new "smiley face" former Defense Minister president--and quite raw in Honduras, with that U.S.-funded 'election' held under martial law while rightwing death squads made hits on leftist leaders all over the country. (And the U.S. just can't understand why almost nobody in Latin America will recognize that rancid government!)
U.S. bullying, lying, funding of local death squads, installation of fascist dictators, etc., are just not making it, in most of Latin America, as in days of old, so a new tack is very much needed to accomplish the same goals--U.S. corporate/war profiteer looting. And if this doesn't work, believe me, it will be back to Bushitis, via ES&S/Diebold in 2012, and all those U.S. war assets that are being put in place in Latin America--most especially in an arc around Venezuela's Caribbean oil coast and northern oil provinces--will be used.
Really, hell must be freezing over, to see the Hairball admitting reality, for once--in this case, that anti-left propaganda radio/TV stinks. Is it a harbinger? And of what? Two years ago I would have said, of Obama's new policy of "peace, respect and cooperation" in Latin America. But that was so quickly overruled by Jim DeMint (SC-Diebold), John Negroponte and the other psychotics of the right who have been running U.S./Latin America policy under Obama, that I do NOT think that this is a good harbinger. What we may be in for is something rather more sophisticated than the Bush Junta (and its Reagan era vultures), but still full of ill intent and backed up by a big U.S. military buildup in the region, to coerce the region into U.S.-dominated "free trade for the rich" and to stop it from 'wasting' the profits from resources such as oil, which could be enriching the few, on the poor majority.
The real rulers of the U.S. want very much into Cuba, to loot its public good programs--such a free, universal, very high quality health care, and its superior educational system, and stop these ideas from spreading like wildfire throughout the region--and to overturn its government with destabilization activities. The Bush Junta retarded these and other such goals. Now we're going to see what old CIA hand, Leon Panetta, can do for instance to trick Latin Americans into thinking that the U.S. has good intentions. I think that's what the change at radio/TV Marti is all about--and perhaps to provide a more credible "news" narrative for the destabilization activities when they begin.