"Private security firm Blackwater violated US arms trafficking regulations when training Colombian military personnel in 2005, a State Department report indicates. The controversial firm, renamed Xe Services LLC in 2009, is to pay $42 million for violating US law, including the unauthorized military training of Colombian soldiers—evidently for private service in Iraq and Afghanistan—in April and May 2005." --from the OP
I think we're getting closer to the secrets being covered up about the La Macarena massacre--my guess that the 2,000 bodies found in a mass grave there, of local community activists and other community members, were the victims of U.S. "turkey shoot" practice for Afghanistan (and apparently Iraq). I have already noted the similarities between the Colombian military "pacification" program in the La Macarena region (designed by the Pentagon and the USAID) and the U.S. "pacification" program in Afghanistan. Follow the link "integrated Action framework," here:
http://www.cipcol.org/?p=1303.Now we find out that Blackwater was not just "training" Colombian death squads to kill Colombians, but were "training" them for use in ALLEGEDLY "private" ops in Iran and Afghanistan!
I stress allegedly because I think that this was a U.S. authorized death squad training program. This would explain why Bushwhack ambassador William Brownfield was so anxious to get "total diplomatic immunity" for all U.S. soldiers and all U.S. military 'contractors' in Colombia IN WRITING before Bushwhack tool Alvaro Uribe left office (was ousted by the CIA, which didn't support his scheme to extend his term?). The U.S./Colombia military agreement signed last year
by Brownfield was negotiated and signed in secret--kept secret from the Colombian legislature, the Colombian courts, the Colombian people, all the other leaders of Latin America (who weren't even given a courtesy call when it was finally made public), and, of course, from the American people. The secrecy of these negotiations--and the need for this agreement IN WRITING--raised my alarm bells some time ago, when the promoters of this agreement, in Colombia and Washington, said that the agreement merely ratified "existing arrangements." Why did they need to get this SIGNED by an official personage last year, and WHY all the secrecy? (What took place in those secret negotiations?) Then I learned of the La Macarena massacre, in an area of Colombia of special interest and activity by the U.S. military and the USAID.
This U.S. State Department
fining of Blackwater (Xe) in my opinion is a coverup. It is very similar to what AG Eric Holder did, as a private attorney for Chiquita International, when he got Chiquita execs off with a handslap fine, for their admitted hiring of death squads in Colombia who murdered trade unionists on Chiquita farms. (Victims' families sued Chiquita. Holder took it to the Bushwhacks who arranged a fine and made the lawsuit go away.)
I also think that one of CIA Director Leon Panetta's jobs is to cleanse Bush Jr's bloody trail. Panetta was a member of Daddy Bush's "Iraq Study Group"--an entity that I think arranged the ousting of Donald Rumsfeld, back in late 2006, to save Bush Jr's ass from retribution by the CIA (over the outing of its entire WMD counter-proliferation project, which may well have gotten CIA agents/contacts around the world killed). Panetta visited Bogota amidst rumors of a Uribe coup to stay in power. I think he was there assessing potential Bush Junta liability within Colombia and at the Hague, and decided to dump Uribe and clean up the Bushwhacks' bloody, criminally liable mess. The Colombia/U.S. military agreement has now been declared unconstitutional by the Colombia Supreme Court, because it was not discussed and voted on by the legislature. That SIGNED immunity for U.S. soldiers and U.S. military 'contractors' is now in jeopardy. So the U.S. needs to look like it is doing something about Blackwater's activities in Colombia, but, beneath this, may be something yet worse--as I mentioned above--an OFFICIAL U.S. government program to train assassins in Colombia by KILLING INNOCENT COLOMBIANS.
Think about this FINE, is what I'm saying. Think why the U.S. would FINE its private assassination 'contractor' for a bureaucratic violation that, for one thing, puts distance between the State Department and other agencies, including the Pentagon, and the many deaths of innocent people in Colombia (and elsewhere). This bureaucratic violation was more than likely deliberately committed
in order to create this "distance." Blackwater has looted U.S. taxpayers of so much money (using that capital to become a huge, private, worldwide "security"/assassination firm) that the fine is likely meaningless to them--a handslap, a drop in the bucket. The real point of the fine is to protect Bush Jr. and brethren from liability.
Evo Golinger mentions the U.S./Colombia bombing/raid on Ecuador's territory in March 2008 (which blew away the FARC's hostage negotiator, Raul Reyes, and 24 other sleeping people, and furthermore set up the "miracle laptop" psyops) as a likely Blackwater operation. I'm thinking La Macarena. I don't disagree with Golinger. But I think U.S. involvement is a possibility in both events, and that La Macarena puts U.S. operatives in much more jeopardy, because there was not any kind of excuse, like the FARC guerrilla war, to shoot some 2,000 civilians and dump their bodies into a mass grave, over a period of several years. (La Macarena has more resemblance to a "turkey shoot"--an opportunity to "train" people in cold-blooded killing--than to a military operation.) The Ecuador op had to have involved Dynacorp, at least, and probably the USAF (pilot and plane to drop the ten 500 lb U.S. "smart bombs" on Reyes' camp). Blackwater might have done the raid part, shot fleeing survivors in the back (--Ecuadoran military findings) and grabbed the laptop (later, laptopS) for 'processing.' (The laptopS were then used to slander Venezuela's and Ecuador's presidents with all sorts of wild charges, like helping the FARC to obtain a 'dirty bomb.')
I think there may be one helluva "Pandora's box" in Colombia, that would put people like Bush Jr, Rumsfeld and Cheney (and Brownfield) is serious legal jeopardy in Latin American courts, in Spain's courts, and at the Hague, and would also be extremely damaging to Clinton's efforts to bolster and re-impose "free trade for the rich" upon Latin America (much of which is in serious revolt against U.S. economic domination). And I think that, in this "fine" of Blackwater, we are seeing a tiny tip of an otherwise very hidden "deal" to keep the Bush Junta principles immune from prosecution (and, before they exited, immune from impeachment).