committed by U.S. "friends" (what few there are) in Latin America. Garcia putting prosecution for death squad murders and other atrocities out of the reach of prosecutors and survivors. Where does he GET powers like this? Or Uribe, in Colombia--and U.S./Bushwhack ambassador William Brownfield--secretly, in the dead of night, "extraditing" material witnesses to death squad crimes in Colombia, to the U.S., where they are charged with mere drug trafficking and their cases are completely sealed, putting them out of the reach of Colombian prosecutors.
Death is the ultimate tyranny, no? Whom has Chavez killed? No one. Yet thousands have been murdered in Colombia--trade unionists, human rights workers, teachers, community activists, journalists, peasant farmers--by the Colombian military and its closely tied rightwing death squads. Uribe was spying on everybody and making "lists" of trade unionists and others, likely for death squad targeting. What has Chavez done to merit the accusation "dictator," compared to the entire government of Colombia built on a mountain of body parts and blood? Nothing is the answer. Yet Chavez gets demonized, day in, day out, and Uribe gets honored by the Obama administration.
Tyranny, fascism, murder and mayhem are rewarded. Someone who cuts poverty in his country by half, and extreme poverty by 70%, and who greatly expands access to education and health care, is reviled, and it actually turns your stomach when you come across something like this...
"Rumsfeld likens Venezuela’s Chavez to Hitler"