what comparisons we can make? That is not only arrogant, it is stupid-making. The U.S. government and the corpo-fascist press are constantly ragging on the Chavez government and we're not allowed to make comparisons between, oh, Venezuela's TRANSPARENT elections and U.S. TOTALLY NON-TRANSPARENT elections, or Venezuelan vs U.S. unemployment figures?
These comparisons are quite apt, not only because of the constant dissing of the Chavez government by the likes of you and the U.S. State Department and New York Slimes, and the Associated Pukes, and Faux News and all the rest, but also because the Chavez government and the people of Venezuela have been proposing and implementing an ALTERNATIVE to the predatory U.S. capitalist model that has gotten us and the world into so much trouble. In Venezuela, the government is pouring money from oil profits into education, health care and other bootstrapping of the poor, while in the U.S., due to massive looting by the Bush Junta, war profiteers, banksters and the super-rich, we are firing thousands of teachers, millions are without health care and millions are falling into the kind of dire poverty that the Chavez government has successfully lifted people out of (cutting poverty in half and extreme poverty by over 70%). No government is perfect, but which government has its priorities straight? Which government is trying to serve the interests of its people? And why shouldn't we consider alternative models? And who are you to say that we can't consider alternatives and can't make comparisons, here, in the Democratic Underground, a forum for progressive U.S. Democratic Party members? Who are you to say that this forum cannot reference facts about the U.S. in discussing Latin America? That is ridiculous.
As for the informal employment sector in Venezuela, I want to know where you stood on the 69 constitutional amendments proposal OF THE CHAVEZ GOVERNMENT, in 2007, which included a provision for pensions for the informal sector workers? Are you Venezuelan? Did you vote FOR it? If you are not Venezuelan, did you support it? That amendments package, which the Chavez government PUT TO A VOTE OF THE PEOPLE, lost by a hair, probably because it included equal rights for women and gays--YET ANOTHER progressive Chavez proposal. Was your vote part of the "hair" that DENIED pensions to the informal sector? Was you vote part of the "hair" that DENIED equal rights for women and gays? And if you are not Venezuelan, what have YOU done to promote pensions and decent wages for informal sector workers, or to STOP discrimination against women and gays? You are like the rightwing nutballs here in the U.S. who obstruct, and obstruct, and obstruct, then turn right around and BLAME progressives when they can't accomplish something? It is simply mind-boggling for you to blame Chavez for unfairness to informal sector workers. You think the rightwing in Venezuela would help informal sector workers?! That's like trusting John Boehner to help the U.S. unemployed!
And, yes, that comparison is also apt. And, yes, I'm making the comparison despite your dictate that North and South America are different planets never to be compared. You would like to see a government of John Boehners in Venezuela! A government of Sarah Palins! A government of Koch Industries 'tea partiers'! Your views are as screwed up, untrustworthy, twisted, and "Alice in Wonderlandishly" inside out, upside down and backwards as theirs are, and as Venezuela's rightwingers are. And that is another way in which Venezuela and the U.S. are comparable. The Venezuelan rightwing seems to have provided the template for fascist nutballs in politics HERE--not surprising since they were "trained" by the CIA!