found this Guardian article written while the pot was boiling still in Honduras and before lobito was "elected."
Remember reading in article below that former members of the AUC were being hired by wealthy Honduran landowners and business types for "protection."
At the time thought that maybe Hillary had forgotten (or ignored) the fact that her own State Department classifies the "demobilized" AUC as a terrorist organization.
If the Colombian paras are still in Honduras, that could explain why so many labor, teacher and opposition leaders have been killed since the lobo government took over. lobito may have no control over the paras who honed their killing skills in Colombia. lobito also may have no control over the people who hired the paras.
Honduran landowners have reportedly hired former Colombian paramilitaries as mercenaries to protect them against possible violence stemming from government tensions, a UN panel said today.
The UN working group on mercenaries said that it has received reports that some 40 former members of United Self-Defence Forces of Colombia, or AUC. The US government classifies the AUC as a terrorist organisation.
They will protect properties and individuals "from further violence between supporters of the de facto government and those of the deposed President Manuel Zelaya," it said.
Separately, a 120-person group of paramilitaries from several countries in that region was reportedly created to support the coup in Honduras, the panel said.