in this region and peace in the world!
--Chavez preventing a U.S./Colombia-instigated war with Ecuador, in 2008, by backing up Ecuador and by diplomacy, after the U.S./Colombia dropped 500 lb U.S. "smart bombs" on Ecuador's territory and raided over the border to kill 25 sleeping people in a FARC guerrilla camp. (Lula da Silva of Brazil called Chavez "the great peacemaker" after that incident.)
--Chile's socialist president, Michele Batchelet, acting swiftly and strongly to mobilize UNASUR (which had only just been formalized) to stop the Bushwhack-instigated white separatist insurrection against Evo Morales in Bolivia--and Brazil's and Argentina's leftist leaders also acting swiftly to bring economic pressure to bear.
--Chile's Batchelet again acting to end Chile's 100 year old dispute with Bolivia over Bolivia's access to the sea.
--Chavez making gesture after gesture toward Colombia to create peaceful relations, only to be rebuffed with utter treachery by the Bushwhacks' tool Uribe--and recently making yet another gesture, by going to Bogota to sign a peace accord with Colombia's new leader Santos.
--Numerous efforts by these new leftist leaders to "raise all boats" in Latin America, to help the poorer countries out, and to create mutually beneficial trade and integration; and numerous diplomatic efforts to end Colombia's 70 year civil war.
--Courageous actions by Evo Morales in Bolivia and Rafael Correa in Ecuador to evict the U.S. military and the corrupt, murderous, failed U.S. "war on drugs" from their countries.
--Hugo Chavez's and Lula da Silva's efforts to de-isolate Iran and create positive trade and diplomatic relations.
--The efforts of all of them to prevent and unseat the U.S.-aided rightwing coup d'etat in Honduras, where many leftists have been murdered--a sadly failed effort thus far, but indicative of the MEANING OF PEACE to Latin America: Not just freedom from outright war, and not just resisting U.S. "divide and conquer" tactics, but freedom from gross U.S. interference and bullying, and from U.S. installation of fascist regimes.
--And the successful efforts of all these new leftist leaders to reduce poverty, to provide education, health care and other social decencies for the poor majority, to promote human rights and equality, and in general to create democratic, progressive and prosperous societies--the bottom line conditions for peace in any country.
It's a new day in Latin America, and peace--in all of its meanings--is its name.