Fun project for the technically and artistically adept! the OP:
Toxic oil spill in an area the size of Rhode Island!
18 billion gallons of toxic waste!
900 toxic waste pits!
10,000 potential cancer deaths for the Indigenous!
19 motions to nullify the Indigenous tribes' lawsuit, in a 30-minute period!
Chevron surely deserves ridicule! --if not "anathema"!
Here's the Ecuadoran Catholic bishop's letter (in Spanish and English) about the Chevron spill (7/7/10): the Vatican would stop wasting its time trying to purge "liberal" bishops, priests and nuns, and held a really useful Inquisition, to rid the world of multinational corporate planet-killers, slave labor perps and war profiteers, they might regain some credibility. They've been off on a wrong tack for about 1,500 years--associating with the rich, the powerful and the murderous, and trying to keep women out of the priesthood. Time to change course and do something really helpful!
Sorry, I started out saying that Chevron deserves to be mocked, and ended up mocking the Vatican. (The resemblance between the Corporate Rulers of today and the Roman Catholic Church of the Middle Ages is, indeed, haunting.) But, really, what would Jesus say about the "birds of the field," the fish in the rivers and poor humans covered in oil and toxic muds? The kids in this Chevron-ravaged region drink, wash their hands and shower in oily water. Their food is cooked in oily water. Their traditional hunting and fishing culture is kaput. Dead fisheries all the way to Peru. It is, indeed, a RELIGIOUS subject--or at least a spiritual one. Profit first--and human life and Planet Earth be damned! What does that say about the darkness in the hearts of the rich and the powerful and their well-paid executives and lawyers and big investors? They have insulated themselves from any accountability in these multinational corporate entities. They need to be BUSTED!
And mocked. And indicted. And fined more than $10 a head. And their corporate moats DISMANTLED!