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Varela expresses interest in strengthening Panama-Cuba relations

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-18-10 02:22 AM
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Varela expresses interest in strengthening Panama-Cuba relations
Panamá, jueves 18 de noviembre de 2010
Varela expresses interest in strengthening Panama-Cuba relations

During his mission to Havana, Vice-President and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Panama, Juan Carlos Varela, offered the Panamanian government's support to Cuba and its intention to further strengthen relations with the fellow Latin-American country.

"My presence is a gesture of gratitude and commitment to strengthen relations" Varela said at the start of his talks with Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez, who opened the agenda of his official visit to Cuba, where he stayed two days.

"Panama wants to walk very closely to be a facilitator...and an ambassador of the Cuban people to the world, demonstrating that Cuba deserves the support of Latin America and the entire region, respecting the culture and political system, to help the population move forward," he said.

During this mission, the Panamanian VP and Foreign Minister also sought to "entrench" the cooperation of Cuba in areas such as education, culture, sports, and health.
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Nov-18-10 10:02 PM
Response to Original message
1. Fascinating! Peace and good will seem to be breaking out all over Latin America!
Between Venezuela and Colombia--which had almost come to blows!

Between Ecuador and Colombia--which had almost come to blows!

Among Bolivia, Chile and Peru, over Bolivia's access to the sea (a 100 year old dispute).

Between Chile's billionaire president and the 33 very poor miners stuck miles under ground, for months--finally rescued cuz the billionaire wouldn't quit and refused to count the cost. He ended up loving those guys and pledging better conditions for all Chilean workers--and actually seemed to mean it.

Now Panama and Cuba, all all things! Never would have expected it.

Horrors still continue, of course--especially in Colombia and Honduras. Leftists, human rights workers and others are being murdered. Colombia's 70 year civil war continues. U.S. complicity continues. And other sufferings persist. But it seems like the TONE has changed--a distinctly ominous tone that could be heard only a short while ago, seems to have receded, with many disputes ending and new initiatives of peace and cooperation beginning.

What song are they hearing, that we can't hear, in our war-looted, bankster-ravaged, Bushwhacked country with our Diebolded Puke Congress? Pukes are certainly going to worsen U.S. bullshit in Latin America. (Not to mention the pain they are going to inflict here. Half of Congress are millionaires, did you see that?) Maybe the new music that Latin Americans hear is that the U.S. has finally become irrelevant, as to Latin America. All our government's "divide and conquer" efforts have failed, and, short of a war that we really and truly cannot afford, the true rulers of this miserable, looted, bankrupt, propaganda-filled country cannot change the dynamic toward peace, independence, democracy and, likely, common market integration, in Latin America, that started in 2002, with the failed U.S.-supported coup against Chavez in Venezuela.

That fateful three days, wherein a million Venezuelans poured into the streets and saved their democracy, changed everything. That was the turning point. The Bushwhacks tried their best over the last decade, to destroy Latin America's future, and reconquer it and re-enslave it. But this was just not possible against such an awesome leftist democracy movement--an historic movement, reflecting the will of all Latin Americans--which has now infected even Panama with the desire for Latin American independence and sovereignty.

It could be that Panama has been given permission to do this, by the Obama government, which--could it be?--intends to fight the Pukes and the Miami mafia to the death over Cuba??? It does seem unusual for Panama to take such an initiative. But I'll be floored if Obama intends to go bare knuckles on this or anything else. It would be interesting to know if Panama is acting independently or with permission. In any case, it's welcome news!

Maybe Obama needs to take cue from that Argentinan leftist congresswoman who just socked a bullying, oh-so-Puke-like, little male-god, rightwing legislator in the nose! She was fed up with his rightwing bullshit and his disrespect. She'd had it. She slugged him! Peace and good will are all fine and good, to a point. I'm not saying he should go punch 'em out. Yeah, I am. Sometimes it's refreshing. Sometimes it's necessary, when disrespect is the issue. And I haven't seen a more gangster-like complete lack of respect in our political life as these Bushwhacks and Pukes have exhibited. They clearly were not really elected. They are there just to insult us and make a mockery of our democracy. So go beat on 'em, Obama! PLEASE! They will never, ever, ever, EVER want peace and good will.
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social_critic Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-19-10 06:28 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Fight to the death over Cuba?
It's not that important.
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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-19-10 07:35 AM
Response to Reply #1
3. Her demeanor during that episode was priceless. She was thoroughly fed up. n/t
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