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uribito a no-show at Drummond deposition

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rabs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-24-10 12:32 AM
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uribito a no-show at Drummond deposition
Edited on Wed Nov-24-10 12:35 AM by rabs

Judi and I mentioned this in another thread but adding new details.

uribito was to be depositioned yesterday (Monday) in the Washington, D.C. offices of Conrad & Scherer, the law firm representing the families of the victims at the hands of AUC paramilitary killers linked to Drummond.

The attorney representing uribito argued that alvarito had "sovereign immunity." (More on this attorney below.)

Terrance Collingsworth of Conrad & Scherer countered that uribito is "not above the law" now that he is no longer president. Collingsworth asked the court to subpoena uribe once again and that if he does not appear, alvarito could be held in contempt of court, in this case a U.S. federal court.

Yesterday, alvarito showed up in Teguz, where he was received by the lobito government as a hero. He was awarded the Great Cross of something or other, got the keys to Teguz, was invited to speak at a business forum and other stuff.

Now, the attorney representing uribito is none other than Gregory Craig. We are talking big, big money here. Ideology does not appear to matter, Craig will apparently represent anyone in high profile cases. The question is how much is uribito, and Drummond, paying him. It will not be paltry.

Briefly, Craig has represented:

-- 1977 CIA director Richard Helms in CIA involvement in Chile coup.
-- 1981 John Hinkley Jr. in Reagan assassination attempt.
-- 1977 Bill Clinton in Paula Jones sex harassment case.
-- 1998 Bill Clinton in impeachment over Monica-gate.
-- 2000 The father of Elian in custody case.
-- 2004 Kofi Annan in the Food for Oil scandal.
-- 2008 Goni Sanchez de Lozada and his defense minister in Bolivia massacre case.
-- Craig was appointed to Obama's Cabinet after the 2008 election.
-- 2009 Craig was forced out by Rahm Emanuel over Gitmo torture case investigation.

More in detail:


So there we are -- alvarito running circles, for now, around the courts not only in Colombia but also in the United States.


If the good soul who lighted up my little star, which had flickered out, reads this post, many thanks. Favor will passed on to someone next funding period.

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-24-10 05:02 AM
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1. I had such respect for him back when he represented Juan Miguel Gonzalez.
Never would have guessed he'd take on clients like Goni, fresh from his massacre of Bolivian citizens. Not in a million years. What a rogue's gallery he's represented.

So Uribe thumbs his nose at the subpoena. Too bad the Justice Department won't round him up over this. I hope after he has run out of schemes, and side-stepping, and evading the law, somehow someone's going to nail him, anyway, and he WILL finally get that spectacular take-down he deserves.

David Craig has come a long, WRONG way since he helped a little boy's loving father get his son back, out of the clutches of the super-obnoxious Miami Cuban "exile" wingnut hardliners.
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-24-10 06:48 AM
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2. "Sovereign immunity." Hm-m. I hear an echo of something...
Oh, yeah. "We need to look forward not backward", when it comes to criminals who are too rich and powerful to impeach, prosecute or even investigate.

That's what Barack Obama learned at Harvard Law School.

And thus, it makes perfect sense that...guess who?...Alvaro Uribe himself is teaching at Harvard. Egads this is disgusting!

"Sovereign immunity"!!!

But I have to say that it is instructive. I'm thinking of that "total diplomatic immunity" for all U.S. military personnel and all U.S. military 'contractors' in Colombia that Uribe and Brownfield cocked up in their secret agreement last year. And I'm thinking I was right that where that "immunity" was aimed was the White House, where the topmost criminals resided, who authorized war crimes by U.S. military personnel and U.S. military 'contractors" in Colombia. Tit for tat. Immunity for Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld in exchange for immunity, a couple of prestigious appointments to this and that, and permanent "made man" status and CIA protection for Uribe. If U.S. military personnel and 'contractors' can't be prosecuted for war crimes in Colombia then those who authorized their crimes can't be gotten at. Whatever Uribe knows as to who ordered what goes away.

"Sovereign immunity"--such as a king has, and such as Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld have or are being treated as if they have.

Instructive and revealing. I've pegged Uribe as a little "Bush Jr wannabe." He thinks he's the "Don." He thinks he's "sovereign," too--a country unto himself, like those whom he models himself after. He has power enough to weedle this protection for himself out of his powerful mentors. How could he do that--what does he have to bargain with--unless it's something that he knows? But the most interesting aspect to it is Obama/Clinton/Panetta carrying water for this murderous little shit. Why? The answer seems likely to be some "deal" that they made, swapping immunity for Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld for a little bit of power in the White House. They are thus obliged to coddle Uribe, because Uribe knows things. They've expedited death squad witnesses from the Colombia to the U.S. and "buried" them in the U.S. federal prison system--midnight extraditions, with no notice to Colombian prosecutors and over their great objections. They likely just arranged asylum in Panama for the chief spying case witness against Uribe. They are showering him with honors--this filthy dirty, death squad and drug lord-connected Bushwhack tool. Why, why, why? I tend to think that it must be that they are pledged to keep Junior and cohorts out of legal trouble; the Colombian prosecutors were getting uppity and Uribe, if pressured, might be tempted to spill the beans to save his own rotten little skin. "Sovereign immunity" means that the CIA has "made" you.

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Bacchus39 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-24-10 09:06 AM
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3. it doesn't sound like Uribe is too concerned about the deposition n/t
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