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Prosecutor general denies Uribe accusation

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-26-10 07:13 AM
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Prosecutor general denies Uribe accusation
Prosecutor general denies Uribe accusation
Wednesday, 24 November 2010 14:42 Cameron Sumpter

Colombia's Prosecutor General Alejandro Ordoñez denied accusations from former President Alvaro Uribe that the Supreme Court pressured Ordoñez to rule against government officials, reports El Espectador.

The ex-president said that the Supreme Court had pressured the prosecutor general's office into making decisions in the DAS wiretapping scandals involving officials such as Uribe's personal secretary Bernardo Moreno and the head of Colombia’s financial intelligence office Mario Aranguren.

Ordoñez said that Uribe's comments were irresponsible and that he all decisions had been "taken on the basis of the constitution, law and evidence."

The prosecutor general said that when he had been appointed he committed to acting with "independence and character." "My life as a judicial official and my character prevent anyone from pressuring me," Ordoñez said.

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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-26-10 11:23 AM
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1. So Bush tool Uribe not only gets U.S. protection, he gets to take pot shots at Colombia's legal

This is disgusting and outrageous.

The Obama administration gives him a prestigious appointment to an international LEGAL commission. Obama's alma mater Harvard and George Tenet's alma mater Georgetown U. give him prestigious academic sinecures to teach LAW. In addition, Eric Holder--current A.G. and former private attorney for Chiquita as to their death squad activities in Colombia--arranges for Colombian death squad witnesses to be extradited to the U.S. and 'buried' in the U.S. federal prison system--out of the reach of Colombian prosecutors and over their objections--by completely sealing their cases in U.S. federal court in Washington DC. And that ain't the end of Uribe's protection and coddling by the U.S. government. He's also a Panetta-CIA (Bush Cartel) "made man," in my opinion--not only ABOVE THE LAW like Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld, but 'worthy' of having the CIA as your personal security detail and your 'fixer', covering up your mindbogglingly evil and bloody tracks. Panama's overnight asylum granted to Uribe's spy chief, the Colombian prosecutors' chief witness against Uribe on his domestic spying program, was very likely the CIA's work. Panama did it despite the sensitivity of one Latin American country spitting on another's LEGALl system, and who has the secret power to interfere in Latin America like that?

Uribe gets to sit behind all these layers of U.S. protection against answering for his many crimes in Colombia and slander Colombian prosecutors?!

You not only have to wonder what Alvaro Uribe is teaching our young at Harvard (how to murder leftists and get away with it?); you have to wonder what Barack Obama learned at Harvard. How the law only applies to past crimes of "little people"; how the past doesn't exist for the very rich and the very powerful and their special servants; how "we need to look forward not backward" on mass murder, torture, spying, massive theft and mayhem only if "the powers" do it, for whom the past does not exist, but, oh, man, trade a little marijuana and your "past" will be dredged up to put you away for life if you are a nobody who doesn't count?!

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