While the correlation between poverty and inequality and social conflict is not simple, it is important to recall that the Colombian conflict has its origin, in part, in the absence of human security (security on the land, security of employment, security of access to quality health care and education).
This dynamic forms part of a vicious cycle, whereby the conflict also extends and deepens poverty and inequality.
The lucrative drugs trade, which provides huge profits for paramilitary and guerrilla groups, is an important motor in the perpetuation of the conflict and the violence.
Colombia is the third most unequal county, in terms of income inequality, in the Americas after Bolivia and Haiti, while Latin America is the most unequal region in the world. http://www.abcolombia.org.uk/mainpage.asp?mainid=76If only the Venezuelans could follow Colombia's example. Obviously what's needed to improve the situation for poor people is more free market policies and less socialism.