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According to Wikileaks, a Colombian official admitted that “false positives” was a common

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-11 12:40 AM
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According to Wikileaks, a Colombian official admitted that “false positives” was a common
According to Wikileaks, a Colombian official admitted that “false positives” was a common
Sunday, December 19th, 2010 | Posted by admin

Text of the publication :

Extrajudicial executions of civilians by members of the Colombian Army who later had their victims as guerrillas killed in combat to inflate the numbers of “false positives” were not an isolated crime and timely in the Colombia of Alvaro Uribe, but a “phenomenon widespread. “

This was admitted to the U.S. ambassador, William Brownfield, the general appointed by the Ministry of Defence to investigate such crimes, as revealed by Wikileaks cables.

In a diplomatic dispatch entitled human rights initiatives are military resistance, Brownfield says what he has told Maj. Gen. Carlos Suarez, inspector general appointed by the Minister of Defense and now president of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, to investigate such crimes .

According to the story of the ambassador, Smith not hesitate to describe the extrajudicial executions of “widespread” and stressed that the then army commander, Gen. Oscar Gonzalez, opposes his research and has “tried to intimidate witnesses to from testifying. ”


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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-04-11 12:15 PM
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1. I've no doubt that murder/dress up was common under Bush Jr pal Uribe...
...but I don't trust Brownfield at all, for instance on his assertion that Santos wanted to investigate it. We have to be careful about disinformation, ass-covering and other personal/corporate/war profiteer U.S. agendas in these low security cables. This is especially true of Brownfield. He is the one who engineered the 'extradition' of death squad witnesses to the U.S. (where they were 'buried' in the U.S. federal prison system, out of the reach of Colombian prosecutors and over their objections), and a Uribe signature on the secretly negotiated "total diplomatic immunity" for all U.S. soldiers and military contractors in Colombia, among other things. He is "Mr. Cover Up," as far as I'm concerned. It's possible that Santos wanted it investigated but what is more possible is that Brownfield was already setting up the narrative by which Santos would replace Uribe and provide the illusion of a 'new day' in Colombia, for purposes of the U.S. "free trade for the rich" agreement and continued war profiteering.
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