Your understanding of endemic poverty is about as good as your understanding of the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela, where the Chavez government has actually cut poverty in half and has cut extreme poverty by over 70%. Venezuela was recently designated THE "most equal country in Latin America," on income distribution, by the UN Economic Commission on Latin America and the Caribbean. And their answers to this problem most certainly do NOT include demanding payment from poor young men who have no job skills, no job prospects, poor educations and no hope. Such useless, punitive measures are typical of rightwing thinkers who blame poverty on the poor.
Rich men, yeah, they should help pay for the children they generate. But poor men often CANNOT. The rich--whose views you represent--furthermore PREVENT government from providing the real, systemic "bootstrapping" needed to raise individuals and whole communities out of the poverty SYNDROME, which has been created by land grabs by the rich, pushing poor farmers off their subsistence farms and into urban squalor and by predatory capitalists and banksters (the World Bank, the IMF).
Venezuela's solutions have included education, including free college educations, free adult re-training and material support for poor single mothers and others so that they CAN get trained in a profession (including money--a monthly check--to put food on the table in the meantime; the cost of books; the cost of shoes for their children's feet so their children can go to school; school lunch programs; transportation; well-equipped and well-staffed schools for children and adults (you recently criticized Chavez for providing free computers to every schoolchild!); free, accessible health care; subsidized food programs; grants and loans to small businesses and co-ops; bludgeoning banks into providing home mortgages for the poor; infrastructure development (schools, community centers, community health clinics, roads, street lights, water systems, parks, equipped baseball fields, etc.); well-thought-out land reform including farmer training, farm loans and grants, and requiring food production before land title is given; use of the country's resources such as oil to benefit the people who live there; election of a kickass LEFTIST government that will DEMAND a fair deal from the likes of Exxon Mobil; economic growth such as the Chavez government produced during the 2003 to 2008 period, despite a U.S. supported coup d'etat attempt by your ilk, followed by an oil bosses' lockout, a U.S.-funded recall election and numerous other plots to bring down the Chavez government by people with your views--people who feel they are "born to rule," people who blame the poor for poverty, people who DON'T BELIEVE in sharing the wealth.
Despite all this, the Chavez government oversaw a five year period of startling economic growth, most of it in the private sector (not including oil) until the Bushwhack-induced, worldwide Depression, and even in this situation, the Chavez government ain't going to "austerity" like the ratfucks ruling our government and governments in Europe. They are doing the right thing--SPENDING! And strongly REGULATING business and finance!
THAT is how to reduce poverty--by seeing to the REAL needs of the poor--not punishing the poor--and by EMPOWERING the poor to participate in government, politics and society--all opposed by rightwingers like you who call Chavez a "communist," a "dictator," "crazy."
Well, they called Franklin Delano Roosevelt all those names, too. And we have never had a better president. Nor have the people of Venezuela, in Chavez--who is HATED by the rich BECAUSE he's doing it right, with REAL income distribution, REAL "bootstrapping," REAL empowerment of the poor majority and REAL battle with "organized money" (as FDR put it).
But you and your kind aren't into providing educations and creating jobs for those poor young men who make their girlfriends pregnant. You want to sick the Law on them, to extract money most of them don't have--and then what? jail? castration? Your punitive mind-set and non-solutions say much about you. And you have nothing but lies and slanders to say about THE government in Latin America that has DONE THE MOST to eliminate poverty!