Had not realized it would be a jury trial. El Paso Times reporter doing a decent job covering the story.

Jury selection began today. Trial expected to last TWO MONTHS, according to El Paso Times article ??
~~~~~~~~~~ snips ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gomez likely to catch flak back in Miami ~~~~~~~~~
His trial is expected to last two months. Immigration fraud cases routinely take two hours or less.
University of Miami professor and assistant provost Andy Gomez is well aware of Posada's plight and the different emotions he evokes within Cubans, Cuban-Americans and justice seekers.
"In the early stages, Posada was seen as a hero for his willingness to fight the Castro regime," Gomez said during a telephone interview from his office in Miami. "But if you look at him solely from within the scope of the law, and I hesitate to say this, you can call him a terrorist."
Gomez is a senior fellow at the university's Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies. Gomez said most of the outrage surrounding Posada can be eased by simply charging him with the crimes he is alleged to have done or plotted.
"Cuban-American politics, particularly in Miami, have gone from the politics of passion to the politics of reason," he said. "Most now just want to let the judicial system do its work. Select a jury of his peers and let them look at him and what he is accused of doing and let them decide if he is guilty or innocent."
Until that type of justice is served, Posada's story will continue to be told and retold, said Gloria La Riva, coordinator for the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five. The committee for the Cuban Five was set up after five Cubans who allegedly worked against Posada were tried in U.S. courts and sentenced to prison.
"They are in jail for trying to stop Posada, a terrorist," she said. "Yet he remains free."
La Riva said her committee just wants Posada to answer for his role in the Oct. 6, 1976, bombing of Cubana Airlines Flight 455, which killed several children. Posada has denied any role in the bombing. La Riva and others want a jury to decide.
"To this day, it is so sad to hear the stories of the people who lost loved ones in that crash," she said from her office in San Francisco.
El Paso Times story, with links to background etc. Check out comments below story, insults are flying.