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Cuban exile decried in symbolic tribunal

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-11 04:11 AM
Original message
Cuban exile decried in symbolic tribunal
Posted on Monday, 01.10.11

Cuban exile decried in symbolic tribunal
.About 100 activists gathered for a `people's tribunal' to symbolically try Cuban exile Luis Posada Carriles on allegations that he orchestrated a spree of Havana bombings.

EL PASO -- A ``people's tribunal'' on Sunday tried militant Cuban exile Luis Posada Carriles to focus attention on the many allegations of terrorism pending against Posada, although he goes on trial Monday only on perjury and related charges.

``This is not just something symbolic. We're pushing for real justice,'' said Gloria La Riva, coordinator of the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five - the spies arrested in Miami and now jailed in U.S. prisons.

Posada faces two charges of perjury, involving his sworn testimony that he was not involved in a spree of bombings of Havana tourist spots in 1997, and nine charges related to false declaration in immigration procedures. But he is not charged with the Havana blasts, which killed an Italian tourist, or the many other terrorist attacks and plots to which he has been linked over the past 50-plus years.

One speaker described the 82-year-old Posada, trained by the CIA in explosives in the 1960s, as ``one of the most dangerous terrorists in recent history.''

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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-11 06:32 PM
Response to Original message
1. Some RW doesn't want anybody to read this and unrec'ed it. K&R! nt
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Billy Burnett Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-11 07:00 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Not just a RWer but a pro terrorist.
To defend or deflect attention away from Posada's terrorist crimes is nothing less.

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rabs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-11 07:14 PM
Response to Original message
3. Jury selection began today ...

Had not realized it would be a jury trial. El Paso Times reporter doing a decent job covering the story.


Jury selection began today. Trial expected to last TWO MONTHS, according to El Paso Times article ??


~~~~~~~~~~ snips ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gomez likely to catch flak back in Miami ~~~~~~~~~

His trial is expected to last two months. Immigration fraud cases routinely take two hours or less.

University of Miami professor and assistant provost Andy Gomez is well aware of Posada's plight and the different emotions he evokes within Cubans, Cuban-Americans and justice seekers.

"In the early stages, Posada was seen as a hero for his willingness to fight the Castro regime," Gomez said during a telephone interview from his office in Miami. "But if you look at him solely from within the scope of the law, and I hesitate to say this, you can call him a terrorist."

Gomez is a senior fellow at the university's Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies. Gomez said most of the outrage surrounding Posada can be eased by simply charging him with the crimes he is alleged to have done or plotted.

"Cuban-American politics, particularly in Miami, have gone from the politics of passion to the politics of reason," he said. "Most now just want to let the judicial system do its work. Select a jury of his peers and let them look at him and what he is accused of doing and let them decide if he is guilty or innocent."


Until that type of justice is served, Posada's story will continue to be told and retold, said Gloria La Riva, coordinator for the National Committee to Free the Cuban Five. The committee for the Cuban Five was set up after five Cubans who allegedly worked against Posada were tried in U.S. courts and sentenced to prison.

"They are in jail for trying to stop Posada, a terrorist," she said. "Yet he remains free."

La Riva said her committee just wants Posada to answer for his role in the Oct. 6, 1976, bombing of Cubana Airlines Flight 455, which killed several children. Posada has denied any role in the bombing. La Riva and others want a jury to decide.

"To this day, it is so sad to hear the stories of the people who lost loved ones in that crash," she said from her office in San Francisco.


El Paso Times story, with links to background etc. Check out comments below story, insults are flying.

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Billy Burnett Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-11 12:19 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. I just love this comment
Edited on Tue Jan-11-11 12:22 AM by Billy Burnett
Half breed, you're being a picker, Ha!! What are you now? the so called English wannabee teacher, f@#k off **** boy this is a casual forum not your typical English 1101, what all of a sudden you want to be Mrs. Crabtree, goon why don't we meet so I can beat the **** out of you, I feel like kicking some goon ****.

This is exactly the kind of posters that Judi, me, and a bunch of us were dealing with during the Elian days on the CNN message boards. Hundreds of them would swarm with threats and challenges to meet somewhere to kick our asses. Most of them misspelled and syntactically warped, like above. Some of them scared Judi, but we communicated with her outside of CNN to explain that they are full of crap.

Thanks for posting the story and link.

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rabs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-11 01:48 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. Sounds like "Beatrice"

from the CNN Elian thread.

We need a "Shoobs" to shoot her/him down. :-)

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-11 03:16 AM
Response to Reply #5
7. She was the most vicious female poster I've ever seen.
She often said nasty, underhanded things to people just to stay in practise. What a waste of ugly skin.

Just the thought of her can make one shudder, years later!

After the board shut down, I saw an opinion article, I think, sent to the L.A. Times by L. Shoobs, speaking of his family's history in Pinochet's evil kingdom. He's a powerful writer, isn't he? Very heartfelt, very direct. Very unlike the slime from the right in Chile.

Beatrice should have been staying in a criminally insane ward. Maybe she's Luis Posada Carriles' wife or sister.

I'll bet a lot of those guys migrated over to the Miami Herald message board. I already saw one there I know from the "Path to Freedom" board, which is shut down now, "Marianao," one of the original "exiles" who liked to brag about her husband having been an important guy in Cuba before the revolution. Another sour, vicious battle-axe.
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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-11 02:56 AM
Response to Reply #4
6. It's as if time has stood still, isn't it? "Que bola" sounds so familiar I could swear
it's the old CNN board, all over again. Threatening people on Cuba-related message boards is so overdone by now!

You remember Marty, the guy who started his own Cuba message board. After he opened it, he immediately got his brand new vehicle torn up, badly vandalized, and he lived in the Miami area. I know he believed someone from the CNN board tracked him down somehow.
I think he closed his message board soon after that.

They were so fired up, and desperate to pound someone they did scare me to death immediately. I was too afraid to start posting because I figured it would be just a matter of time until they came after me, too, if I didn't support their side.

When a guy showed up at our door late at night, claiming to be needing directions, and he was wearing a lot of gold chains (something simply not worn by ordinary people here, NOT EVER) I was terrified they had found me, so sure he was going to shoot me on the spot, "say hello to my little friend," or something.

The guy he's threatening sounds very much like a British guy, Ken Bell, who lives in Mexico City, teaching English, who used to heckle these clowns, checking into CNN occassionally, and I saw him also at the Delphi message board, "Path to Freedom" when it was almost all Miami hardliner "exiles." His writing was so stunningly hilarious, he ran circles around them, it could bring a reader to tears laughing so damned hard. He really knows what drives them wild, gets them foaming at the mouth.

I could swear we've heard these guys before.

Oh, yeah, I also remember that you and Cassandra from Canada were the reigning male and female authorities on Cuba, and you two, along with Bev Burns could hold the fort all day long against the hordes of CANF tag teams checking in and out on schedule. That was fascinating, and the place where I started learning what had been missing all my life about Cuba: all the missing TRUTH!

It was perfect for those of us who didn't know a thing, as we could start with blank slates (other than the indoctrination from corporate media, of course) and read the ravings from Miami, and the actual information hand delivered from the people who did the research or knew it already. Fantastic. It doesn't take long at all for anyone sane to figure out who the liars are, after quietly watching, studying, thinking, then researching after that kind of crash course.

Heard your name mentioned even before I saw your postings, as I came at a time you had taken a break from CNN, and were discussed with respect by the sane ones! Just like Cassandra, and her formidable, unassailable determination not to let a lie stand unchallenged.
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social_critic Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-11 03:06 PM
Response to Reply #3
10. Why would it not be a jury trial?
This is what's done in the US in a perjury case.
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rabs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-11 11:39 AM
Response to Original message
8. Miami Cuban terrorism surfaces in El Paso
Edited on Tue Jan-11-11 11:40 AM by rabs

Judi, the attorney representing Ven. received a death threat from a Miami Cuban extremist this past weekend.

He got a cell phone call in the El Paso hotel where the attorney is staying in which he was called a dog, and told "you want flowers, I'll give you flowers, dog. I will take care of you."

Those are the same codewords that were used when the Cubana de Avacion jet was bombed out of the air.

The plane was called a bus full of dogs, and when it blew up, an intercepted caller reported to Posada Carriles that the bus with the dogs had crashed, and all the dogs were dead.

You listen to Partierra here describing the death threat (Spanish)

Jury selection under way still in El Paso, with about 130 people in the pool.


Will be outapocket for the next couple of days so trust you will keep an eye out for Latam DUers on developments as reported by the El Paso Times. (I have to go to a city nearby to make some funeral arrangements.)

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-11 01:30 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. Thanks for the source. They are writing far better stories at "El Paso Times."
I'm glad for the tip, absolutely. I'll be checking that site.

So predictable, the new death threats. My gosh. It's such an old story with these guys by now, and they DO make an effort to put teeth into their slimy threats, too, from time to time, especially if they're really mad.

Concerning their "bus full of dogs": is that clumsy, or what? They're not too good at coded language, are they? Hope that crowd will not feel compelled to harm anyone to show their displeasure over this. That would be so damned wrong, and no doubt they'd get by with it, too! Our country has been completely unwilling to treat any of the "exile" terrorism seriously, to even atempt to discourage them.

This is an unhappy time for you and your loved ones, so sorry you're going through these steps now. Take extra care for yourselves.

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