Santiago de Cuba, January 8 .- The certainty that only the work will create economic wealth and will solve the problems of the country was settled on Saturday to Santiago by the Commander of the Revolution Ramiro Valdes, vice president of the Council of State and Ministers.
We must work to create the resources and economic wealth have said who is one of the historic leaders of the Revolution, on a tour of city neighborhoods.
It's all about work, there is no other way to solve problems, sentenced a member of the Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee to talk to hundreds of people in this city and appreciate their lives and work.
During his visit to the populous neighborhood of San Pedrito, exchanged with men and women in their homes on the improvement of water services and met their most pressing needs as housing.
Valdés later said the country's willingness to transform the difficult panorama, from the steps taken in selling construction materials, the reorientation of the construction plans and the search for new ways to meet this social problem.
In a meeting with government leaders and state institutions of the five eastern and Camaguey provinces, the leader of a study directed by province on the most precarious housing and possible solutions in the short and medium term.
It also urged better attention to complaints and requests of the population, it said there are issues which affect the insensitivity, bureaucracy and slow response.
Accompanied by Misael Enamorado, member of the Politburo, and holders of various ministries, the Commander of the Revolution, reviewed the progress of the rehabilitation of the aqueduct, which came in its second stage.
Further found good progress in preparations to receive and install on national territory fiber optic cable that will link Venezuela with Cuba in the first half of this year, and that will mean an improvement in communications.
On the aqueduct was reported to benefit about 480 thousand inhabitants of the city, even when there are several works to finish the complex and slow progress in implementation stage.
A crucial question is to determine the pressure of liquid in accordance with the complex topography of the region to determine delivery cycles, and especially to eliminate the breaks and leaks that are occurring in this phase.
In his tour of water treatment plants and the dialogue with the people they reiterated their view that this has been one of the monumental works undertaken in Cuba in this field, both by the scale of investment as the concept of bringing each home permanently a water well treated and in due time.
However, Valdés emphasized the need to care efficiency and quality and meet schedules, taking into account that this rehabilitation suffered from the same shortcomings of other works in the country with regard to violations, waste, lack of integrity and disorganization.
The next step is the construction of the aqueducts of the towns Siboney, El Cobre and El Cristo Green Sea, which will benefit other 30 thousand people and carried out work within each unit with the tooling and furniture are required plumbing .
Another process is to complete the formation and operation of the company Aguas de Santiago, which has the mission to operate the pipeline and undertake repairs and maintenance.