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OAS says boot Haiti gov't candidate

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rabs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-11 01:03 AM
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OAS says boot Haiti gov't candidate

What, the OAS is doing something right for a change ???


By JONATHAN M. KATZ , 01.10.11, 05:04 PM EST
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti -- An international team of election experts will recommend that Haiti's government-backed candidate be eliminated from a presidential runoff ballot due to strong evidence of fraud in voting that led to riots, according to a draft of the report obtained Monday by The Associated Press.


The report's most important conclusions are that the disputed Nov. 28 vote should neither be thrown out entirely nor recounted, and that enough fraudulent or improper ballots should be invalidated to drop governing-party candidate Jude Celestin into third place and out of the second-round runoff.

That would favor carnival singer Michel "Sweet Micky" Martelly, a populist candidate who was in third place and out of runoff contention when results were announced last month. Former first lady and law professor Mirlande Manigat would remain in first place. All the top candidates would lose thousands of votes under the team's recommendations.


Or did Hil and company order the OAS to issue the report because ....

The U.S. Embassy expressed doubt over the results at the time, saying they did not match observers' polling estimates that showed Celestin in line to be eliminated. The OAS report matches that expectation.

Full story from the AP:

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-11 04:21 AM
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1. Makes you wonder what's up! Can't have the people electing their own president,
as Henry Kissinger has said, in essence.

Recommending. Thanks.
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naaman fletcher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-11 05:12 PM
Response to Reply #1
6. I'm not sure I understand..
Both the US and the OAS are criticizing the election, and yet you say "can't have the people electing their own president". Who holds that position?
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-11 03:24 PM
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2. I think the 'riots' had something to do with this. Haitians simply weren't going to put up with it.
Whenever I see civil protest described as "riots," I always remember Seattle, where I personally witnessed a massive (10,000 people), ENTIRELY PEACEFUL and well-organized civil disobedience protest--the most amazing civil disobedience protest I have ever seen--brutally assaulted by the Darth Vader police, for no good reason, and, when a few "radical" brats wearing black bandanas then burned some trash cans and kicked in some store windows, downtown, THAT's what got the coverage on the "news" that night, and THAT'S what went onto front pages of newspapers and magazines all over the country. It was a complete lie and slander!

The little vandals were not supported by the masses of people protesting in Seattle (about 50,000 people, all told, in various marches and public events) and were very few in number. Various groups representing the REAL protestors had spent months preparing an entirely peaceful, one-day civil disobedience protest, and there were constant long meetings about it, in the days just before. It was meticulously planned. No one wanted violence. No one wanted even a hint of the slightest violence or threat towards anyone, and that's the way everything went--safe, peaceful, effective, awesome civil protest--until the police started wading into peaceful crowds and hosing people with chemicals and beating people up. I saw them direct a pepper spray HOSE right at the heads and faces of SEATED, peaceful people in a street intersection. It was horrible. And still the protestors did not fight back. It was this other small group of black-masked teenagers--whom no one knew, who had not attended meetings--who staged their vandalism downtown for the cameras, without police intervention. The real protestors tried to stop them. The police didn't touch them. This was late in the day--after about five hours of peaceful protest with the police beating, tear gassing and arresting the peaceful.

I have never forgotten this lesson: that the corpo-fascist media OUTRIGHT LIES when their billionaire bosses' interests are involved (--U.S. global trade domination of the WTO). They don't just distort. They LIE!

I've since learned about the Venezuelan media. With a million Venezuelans out in the streets peacefully restoring their constitution and their elected government, the corpo-fascist media in Venezuela DIDN'T EVEN COVER IT! They played cartoons! They tried to play it like a million people didn't exist.

So, when I hear of protests in a righteous cause--such as the election fraud in Haiti--and any images are pushed on us of violence, I don't believe them, upfront. I know how that can be manipulated. Maybe violence occurred, maybe not. If so, it was most likely "staged" just like in Seattle. I would believe the protestors themselves or trustworthy eyewitnesses. I would never believe corpo-fascist 'news' reports.

Anyway, the people of Haiti didn't take this election fraud sitting down--as, unfortunately, we north Americans have often done, to our grief. And I think that the Obama/Clinton government cannot take any more "black marks" against them in Latin America. Their reputation was severely damaged by the Honduran coup. Possibly that was by Bush Junta design (the coup occurred only six months into the Obama administration) but then Obama/Clinton went along with it, basically, and presided over the destruction of Honduras' democracy--where trade unionists, teachers, human rights workers and other anti-coup protestors and political leftists are now being murdered by rightwing death squads. Maybe they think that Haitian "riots" over an election is something they don't need. Insulza follows their lead. I imagine that someone compatible with U.S. corpo-fascist goals will end up ruling Haiti--they've already turned it into a U.S. client state (even before the earthquake)--but they need to make this look good, or their other aims in the region will suffer.

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dipsydoodle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-11 06:35 AM
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3. Associated news : Haiti earthquake: one year on
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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-13-11 07:15 PM
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4.  Election experts: Martelly, not Célestin, should be in Haiti's presidential runoff
Posted on Monday, 01.10.11
Election experts: Martelly, not Célestin, should be in Haiti's presidential runoff

PORT -- AU--PRINCE -- A popular Haitian musician should advance to a presidential runoff -- rather than the government's candidate, an international panel of election experts recommended Monday.

The group, convened by the Organization of American States at the request of President René Préval, also said that while 50,935 votes had to be discarded because of fraud, the disputed Nov. 28 presidential elections could be salvaged if the rest of the electoral process is handled correctly and Haiti's political forces are prepared to allow that to happen.

The experts spent 10 days scrutinizing thousands of tally sheets and back-up voting documents.

``After a thorough statistical analysis...the Expert Mission has determined that it cannot support the preliminary results of the presidential elections,'' according to the report, obtained by The Miami Herald said.

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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-11 05:10 PM
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5. On Amy's show (whole hour was about Haiti the other day)
a reporter, iirc, said he was on the edges of a meeting of "the donors" and they were discussing ousting the president.

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