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Cuba’s Enemy No. 1 Goes on Trial in Texas.

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-11 01:53 PM
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Cuba’s Enemy No. 1 Goes on Trial in Texas.
Cuba’s Enemy No. 1 Goes on Trial in Texas.
Published at 10:21 am, January 11, 2011

Attorneys in Texas are in the process of selecting the twelve people that will make up the jury in the trial of Fidel Castro’s number one nemesis, Luis Posada Carriles.

The 82 year-old ex-CIA operative is accused of perjury and obstruction of justice for allegedly lying about how he arrived in the U.S., and about whether he tried to cover up his involvement in the 1997 Havana hotel bombings so he could obtain U.S. citizenship.

Posada claimed to have entered the 2007 by crossing the Mexican border into Texas. Prosecutors say he actually arrived in Miami on the boat of friend, and using a fake passport. Although he pleaded not guilty, Posada noted that for years he entered the U.S. under false identities while working with the CIA and other organizations.

“The people who worked with me from the government are not the same the ones there today. It was other times. For those there today, I am a bad guy,” he acknowledged.

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-11 02:17 PM
Response to Original message
1. Posada Carriles in court: Coalition cites trial an act of 'hypocrisy'
Posada Carriles in court: Coalition cites trial an act of 'hypocrisy'
by Aileen B. Flores \ El Paso Times
Posted: 01/10/2011 12:00:00 AM MST

Brian Becker, national director of ANSWER, called for the extradition to Venezuela of Posada Carriles during a tribunal Sunday at the Unitarian Universalist Community of El Paso.

The government of Venezuela is seeking Posada's extradition in connection with the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed 73 people, known as the Cubana Flight 455.

Panama officials also want to extradite Posada Carriles on charges that he plotted to kill Fidel Castro during Castro's visit to the country in 2000. Posada has denied the allegations.

Becker said the U.S. government knows Posada Carriles is a terrorist. Becker said Posada Carriles acted under the umbrella of the Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. government when he planned the attack on the Cuban airplane in 1976 and the hotel bombings in Havana that killed Italian businessman Fabio Di Celmo in the 1990s.

By hosting this trial, the U.S. is protecting Posada Carriles from revealing the truth, Becker said.


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social_critic Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-11 03:04 PM
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2. Posada Carriles should be given a life sentence
I don't believe in the death penalty. But Posada Carriles isn't Cuba's number one enemy. Cuba's number one enemy is Fidel Castro.
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Bacchus39 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-11 03:25 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. haha +1000 n/t
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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-11 03:22 PM
Response to Original message
3. Biographical background on this piece of filth:
Luis Posada was born in Cuba in 1928. He became a pediatrician in Havana. An opponent of Fidel Castro, Posada was a leading figure in JURE, a political party led by Manolo Rey. He took part in the Bay of Pigs. According to Gaeton Fonzi (The Last Investigation), Posada was a former lieutenant in the United States Army, where he took an intelligence staff officer course.

Posada worked for the Central Intelligence Agency until 1967. He then moved to Venezuela where he became chief of security and counterintelligence in the secret police, DISIP.

In 1971 Posada worked with William C. Bishop and Antonio Veciana in the plot to assassinate Fidel Castro on a visit to Caracas on 31st November. As well as providing all the credentials necessary to get the assassins into Venezuela, Posada also planted phony documents so that if the two men were killed, the trail would lead to two Russian agents in Caracas. After the fall of President Carlos Andre Perez, Posada started his own private security agency.

On 25th November 1975, leaders of the military intelligence services of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay met, with Juan Manuel Contreras in Santiago de Chile. The main objective was for the CIA to coordinate the actions of the various security services in "eliminating Marxist subversion". Operation Condor was given tacit approval by the United States which feared a Marxist revolution in the region. The targets were officially leftist guerrillas but in fact included all kinds of political opponents. Posada soon became involved in this undercover operation.

In October, 1976, the midair explosion of Cubana Flight 455 flying out of Barbados killed all 73 people aboard. This included all 24 young athletes on Cuba's gold-medal fencing team. Police in Trinidad arrested two Venezuelans, Herman Ricardo and Freddy Lugo. Ricardo worked for Posada's security agency in Venezuela and admitted that he and Lugo had planted two bombs on the plane. Ricardo claimed the bombing had been organized by Posada and Orlando Bosch. When Posada was arrested he was found with a map of Washington showing the daily route of to work of Orlando Letelier, the former Chilean Foreign Minister, who had been assassinated on 21st September, 1976.



Luis Posada Carriles: When Injustice is Justice
Written by Tom Crumpacker
Sunday, 16 October 2005 19:30

By way of background, what is known publicly about Posada is that as a young man he worked in Havana in enforcement for the Batista regime, and came to US in 1960. In the CIA directed Bay of Pigs invasion, he and his partner Orlando Bosch joined CIA Operation 40, made up of sharpshooters whose job was to murder the leaders of Cuba's government. When the invasion failed, the CIA sent him to Ft. Benning, Ga. ("School of the Americas") where he was trained in explosives and interrogation by torture. Allegedly, Posada was seen in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, on November 22, 1963, the place and day Lee Harvey Oswald killed John F. Kennedy. During the 1960's Posada was involved in CIA's Operation Mongoose (murderous incursions into Cuba). He also ran the CIA's demolition school in Florida and made several deadly forays into other countries, such as blowing up the Soviet library in Mexico City, the Cuban embassies in Argentina, Peru and Portugal and the Costa Rica-Cuba Cultural center. In 1972 CIA sent him to Caracas with substantial bomb making materials and equipment to work with the Venezuelan intelligence agency, DISIP. The head of DISIP, one Joachim Chaffardet, made Posada the chief of his "special services," which involved teaching demolitions and interrogation by torture.

In 1975 Posada left DISIP and opened a detective agency in Caracas (in reality a CIA cover) with Chaffardet as his silent partner. On October 6, the two employees of the agency, former DISIP agents Lugar and Ricardo, placed a bomb in the restroom of a civilian Cubana airliner which blew up in midair after leaving Barbados for Havana, killing all 73 civilians aboard. After apprehension, Lugar and Ricardo confessed that Posada and Bosch had directed the operation, and this participation is confirmed by recently declassified parts of CIA, FBI and State Department reports. All four were charged in Venezuela, the other three were convicted, but Posada escaped in 1985 shortly before his verdict was to be rendered. CIA allegedly bribed the guards. Venezuelan law prevented proceeding with Posada's case in his absence.

Posada went directly to work in El Salvador in the Iran-Contra drugs-supply operation being run out of El Salvador by CIA agent Felix Rodriguez (who had killed Che Guevara in Bolivia in 1967) and by Col. Oliver North out of the White House. Subsequently Posada helped in Operation Condor (involving CIA, DISIP and DINA, the Chilean intelligence service), which exterminated many South American progressives. He also worked as security agent for the Guatemalan dictatorship in the late 1980's. From El Salvador he masterminded and directed the 1997 Havana tourist hotel bombings. He was finally caught in 2000 in Panama City with 37 lb. of C-4 explosives in his car, intending to kill Castro and hundreds of students at a speech to be given at a local university. Last year the US friendly president of Panama pardoned Posada and his three Miami cohorts, and he returned to US this March. After a Miami press conference in May, Homeland Security took him into custody and charged him with failure to report to them on entry.

In reviewing Posada's publicly known career, the Bush family name occasionally appears. In 1960 Bush Senior was running his oil company, Zapata Drilling, out of Houston. He was also recruiting for the CIA's planned Bay of Pigs invasion, and some CIA meetings allegedly were held in Zapata offices. Bush Senior was critical of the Kennedy Administration's effort therein and he urged a new invasion of Cuba. A memo by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover dated 11/28/63 refers to him as "George Bush of the CIA." In 1976, when Bush Senior was made CIA Director, he put in charge of CIA special operations the head of the Miami CIA station, who had been and continued to be Posada's direct supervisor. CIA had urged the various violent anti-Castro groups in Florida and New Jersey, such as Omega 7 and Alpha 66, to merge under one authority, which was called CORU and was headed by Bosch. At that time Zapata had drilling contracts in Venezuela, and Jeb Bush, now governor of Florida, was working for a Texas bank in Caracas. According to the recently declassified reports, CIA, which had offices, operatives and assets in Caracas besides Posada, was at least aware of the two failed attempts to bomb Cubana civilian airliners in the summer of 1976, and about a week before the successful bombing on October 6 it received a report from Posada "We're going to hit the Cuban airliner."


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