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Chavez could give up extra powers before they expire

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-11 07:05 PM
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Chavez could give up extra powers before they expire
Chavez could give up extra powers before they expire
Jan 15, 2011, 22:35 GMT

Caracas - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Saturday declared he would be willing to give up extra emergency powers before an 18- month sunset provision had expired.

Speaking to Parliament, Chavez said he could even give them up within four to five months.

'I have no problem with that,' Chavez said.

Parliament in December gave Chavez the power to govern by decree for 18 months, in order to deal with an emergency caused by heavy rainfall. The measure was called 'Ley Habilitante' - or state of exception.

He used it to enact decrees on finance, economy and security policy.

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social_critic Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-11 05:22 AM
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1. Maybe he's starting to realize resistance to his dictatorial moves is growing
International organizations are starting to mobilize to stop Chavez, and he knows it. He pushed things too far, and he has probably been warned. This is probably the reason why he didn't go to the meeting with Dilma Rouseff and flew out of Brazil a day early - the Brazilians let him know he was going beyond the limit they could tolerate, and he was on his own.
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