During his Annual Address to the National Assembly, President Hugo Chávez referred to the housing deficit in Venezuela, but rather than announcing completion of housing units, he disclosed plans to build houses in the future.
Chávez disclosed an "ambitious" plan to build 150,000 housing units in 2011 and 200.000 housing units in 2012.
The government made similar announcements in previous fiscal years, but has always failed to meet the goal. In 2005, Chávez said that his government would build 120,000 housing units throughout the period and in 2006. However, according to the Reports and Accounts of the Ministry of Housing, the government failed the target during those two years.
In fact, the Reports and Accounts of the Ministry of Housing show that the government built 21,400 housing units in 2005, which is only 18 percent of the target (120,000 housing units.) Meanwhile, 40,340 housing units were built in 2006 (88 percent more than in the previous period), but only 34 percent of the initial goal of building 120,000 housing units.